[Equest-users] modeling fuel cells in eQUEST

Tom White tomw at greenbuildingservices.com
Fri Feb 11 11:59:29 PST 2011

Hello everyone,


Can fuel cells be modeled directly in eQUEST? [This question was also
cross-posted to BLDG-SIM]


I'm getting conflicting information. One report says you can model fuels
directly in eQUEST, but I haven't been able to verify this in eQUEST
itself. According to 5(e)(xiii) in the information available on eQUEST




v3.63b DOES NOT model fuel cell systems. 


So, is there a module in v3.64 that I'm missing?


Thanks in advance.





Thomas White, P.E., LEED AP

Technical Director

Green Building Services

Commonwealth Building

421 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 200

Portland, OR 97204-1629

Phone:  503-467-4723 

tomw at greenbuildingservices.com

www.greenbuildingservices.com <http://www.greenbuildingservices.com> 


P simple, smart, sustaining solutions P


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