[Equest-users] first time eQuest LEED project questions
Nick Caton
ncaton at smithboucher.com
Fri Jul 8 10:01:44 PDT 2011
Hi Chris!
Under my tutelage, I would advise those first getting started to simply ignore the compliance analysis tool for their first LEED models. It is put simply a work in progress and in its current state is not always time-efficient. Better to first understand how to build a baseline by modifying your proposed model, so that you can understand better exactly what the compliance tool is doing and not doing.
That said, you're already well down the path and I won't tell you to re-do major amounts of work. I've added some quick responses below with the above in mind. Also, it's clear you have fallen into the deep end of the pool! My responses are deliberately simplified in some cases because you need to do some legwork to catch up on some issues. Use the archives, read the help files (right-click any field), and direct specific questions (with full descriptions and what you know and what you know you don't know) to the mailing list as they come up!
Best of luck!
Smith & Boucher Engineers
25501 west valley parkway, suite 200
olathe, ks 66061
direct 913.344.0036
fax 913.345.0617
From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Chris Hanzel
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 11:33 AM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] first time eQuest LEED project questions
I am working on my first LEED project using eQuest and have received multiple comments on my submittal for EAp2: Minimum Energy Performance. Attached are the 11 review comments. I have many questions and will try to explain my level of eQuest knowledge below so you can get a sense of where I am at.
--Here is my understanding of eQuest:
1. I make my Proposed design model in eQuest.
2. I perform the simulation.
3. I perform the compliance analysis and it makes a Baseline model.
4. I export file LEED results which gives me the excel spreadsheet of data that compares the Proposed model to the Baseline model that was just created. I used this info to fill out the EA forms online.
--My questions regarding changes in eQuest that are related to modifying the Baseline after you have run your Proposed design:
1. How do you make the changes in the Baseline model? Open the baseline model and modify it as you would the proposed model. Should have been created in the same directory when you did the compliance analysis. Suggest keeping backups before modifications so that you have a good reference of where you came from.
2. And then how do I compare this modified baseline against the Proposed design model, like using the compliance analysis button? Won't this just regenerate another new Baseline? After modifications, run a fresh set of simulations for the proposed and baseline models, then go to File à Export à LEED results. This will generate a new spreadsheet referencing the current simulation results for each model, without creating a new model. Note that everything compiled in that spreadsheet can also be referenced and reviewed between the detailed and graphical simulation reports for each model.
3. How do I then export the LEED excel file? See answer to #2.
--My questions regarding making the changes specific to the comments are as follows:
1. How do I change the wall to window ratio in the Baseline case that is created? Open the baseline model and revise the window areas (height/width). They should match the proposed if you used the compliance tool approach.
2. How do I change the U-value in the Baseline case that is created? Open the baseline model and revise the offending construction(s).
3. How do I add the heating system in the Baseline case? Open the baseline model, navigate to the airside/waterside HVAC tabs, and modify the existing systems or add equipment as necessary.
4. How do I verify whether the system was sized on a 20 degree-F temp difference? Where do I make these changes for the Baseline and Proposed cases? Review the temperatures under the heating and cooling tabs of the airside systems.
5. Where do I make the changes to the fan power for the Baseline and Proposed cases? Review the fan tab for the airside systems.
6. Where do I make the changes to for the minimum outside airflow for the Baseline and Proposed cases? How do I model it with zero outside airflow when fans are cycled on to meet unoccupied setback temperatures? Minimum OA is handled differently depending on the system we're talking about... start by clicking airside HVAC, click a zone in the component tree, and review/read the help files for the inputs regarding OA.
7. How do I change the fan operating times based on occupancy in the Baseline case that is created? You'll need to be more specific about what you're trying to accomplish.
8. How do I add the service water heating system in the Baseline case? A few approaches exist - I'd start by reviewing the waterside HVAC tab... you should have something like your proposed system to modify.
9. How do I change the lighting power in the Baseline case that is created? LPD is a property of spaces. Edit under the Internal Load tab.
10. What is the correct method to model occupancy sensors for the Proposed case? How adjustable are the parameters (# of minutes stays on after the last person is detected)? See appendix G, last table at the end. You take a % off of the LPD of spaces which have occ sensors that aren't required to have them per chapter 9.
11. How do I add exterior lighting power in the Baseline case that is created? Again multiple approaches. I usually define as an exterior load on the electric meter (EM1 by default) - edited under the utility & economics tab.
OPTIONAL but may help my performance:
12. I am using a solar hot water system for the domestic hot water. How do I model the input information of the solar water heating system for the Proposed case? eQuest won't calculate solar hot water system behavior directly - I suspect you'd need to document this calculation separately, then apply a factor to the system usage in the model appropriate to the % of "free" hot water through the year.
Thank you in advance for wading through all of my questions and helping a newbie with eQuest and LEED.
Christopher S. Hanzel, PE, LEED AP | Mechanical Engineer
Winzler & Kelly
417 Montgomery Street, Suite 700
San Francisco, CA 94104
Tel: 415.283.4970 | Fax: 415.283.4980 | Cell: 510.207.9518
www. w-and-k.com <http://www.w-and-k.com/>
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