[Equest-users] LEED Review Comment - Exhaust Fans

Ömer Moltay omoltay at mimtarch.com
Mon Jun 13 06:16:15 PDT 2011

Dear All,

We have received the following from GBCI regarding the energy modelling 

"Table1.4.2 indicates that exhaust fan systems are reflected in the 
Proposed model; however, the equipment capacities are inconsistent with the
exhaust fan systems (EF-1 through EF-9) as indicated in the mechanical 
schedules provided for PI Form 4: Schedule and Overview Documents. In
addition, the independent fan systems of the HVAC systems in the actual 
design must be modeled identically between the Proposed and Baseline
models at actual equipment capacities (fan volume and fan power) as 
required by Table G3.1.10 in the Proposed building column, since the fan 
air flow rates and fan power per Sections G3.1.2.8 and G3.1.2.9, 
respectively, only applies to system types 1 through 8 in Table G3.1.1A. 
Revise the
Proposed and Baseline models so all independentfan systems of the HVAC 
systems are modeled identically between the Proposed and Baseline
models. In addition, separate the energy consumption and peak demand 
energy for independent#fans in Table EAp2-4 and Table EAp2-5 of the
prerequisite form. Further,provide revised SV-A reports reflecting the 

Our proposed model has supply and exhaust fans (Supply: AHU, FCU - 
Exhaust: AHU, independant exhaust fans). Our baseline model has supply 
and relief fans (VAV System).

Please look at Section 6 of the attached Table 1.4.2. Are we expected to 
additionally model exhaust fans in the baseline case? Do they mean 
exhaust fans when they say "independent fan systems of the HVAC systems?".

Thanks for all replies,

Omer Moltay, LEED AP BD+C, BREEAM Assessor
Mimta Ltd.
Hekimsuyu Cad. 559. Sk. No:39
34255 Kucukkoy Istanbul Turkey
Tel: 90-212-617-2296
Fax: 90-212-617-2297

Sürdürülebilir Binalar Blog

Green Building in Turkey on LinkedIn

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