[Equest-users] No Space Heating

Justin Elkin jelkin at mreng.ca
Thu Jun 23 06:22:18 PDT 2011

Hello all,


I am having problems with a couple of things:


1)        My model is showing practically no space heating. For whatever
reason my heat pumps are yielding almost zero space heating and I cannot
figure out

 why. I have tried playing around with the schedules and different inputs
but I get nothing. Has anyone encountered this problem before or does anyone

 have any suggestions that may help? 


2)       I am not getting any heat recovery from my ice plant. I have my
model set up so I should recover heat off the ice plant but even this
doesn't seem to be

happening when I run the program. Any advice? 


Please note that when you open the file it shows a bldg schedule error.
Therefore in order to view the bldg and its systems the program must be run

It gives no errors when running the program.


I really appreciate any help and suggestions. I hope you all are having a
good day. I have attached the .inp and .pd2 files.


Thank you for your time,


  Justin Elkin, LEEDR Green Associate

  Mechanical Engineer-In-Training

  t: (902) 422-7393

  f: (902) 423-4945

  e: jelkin at mreng.ca


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