[Equest-users] eQuest training

Chris Jones cj at enersave.ca
Sat Aug 4 09:23:33 PDT 2012

I do am self taught in equest but I had years of 
DOE2.1e experience.  The only course I would find 
helpful is the very beginning of the model - 
reading the CAD floor plans into equest.

I have never been able to bring in successive 
floors that have a different floor plate - 
changing size - smaller or larger (floor 
overhangs).  The situation I have absolutely no 
idea about is a building with a multi-storey, 
central atrium with "bridges" between the two 
sides of the atrium - corridors between each side.

I have never been able to find a course that 
specializes in weird geometry situations.

I just give up and go back to DOE2.1e where I can 
define the model without all that annoying 3-D 
x,y,z to have to contend with.  It makes nice 
pictures in the end but doesn't to a whole lot 
for productivity - at least in my case.

At 06:50 PM 02/08/2012, Cristian Salvador Jara Toro wrote:
>Dear community,
>  i´m interested in
>training, but i´m not sure if it worth.
>I do not have experience on equest modelling but 
>I do so on IES-VE modelling, so, if
>I have that experience, it would be necessary to 
>do a training, or perhaps It would worth to take my own risk?
>any comments?
>Cristian Jara Toro
>Ingeniero Acústico
>Cel: 6 207 8566
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Christopher Jones, P.Eng.
Suite 1801, 1 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M5E1W7
Tel. 416-203-7465
Fax. 416-946-1005
email cj at enersave.ca
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