[Equest-users] Help - Modeling VRV-VRF System with eQuest

Loi Ng Lng at DIVENG.COM
Thu Jan 12 09:37:54 PST 2012



I am modeling VRV system based on a "Energy Trust of Oregon, Inc."
guidance document (attached) posted by Mathew Larson of Colorado dated
12/12/2011.  The document recommends using a PVVT system to simulate a
VRV system.  I used an air cooled PVVT system to model a VRV system.
However, the unmet hours on the heating is very high.  The cooling part
is okay.  Does anyone has experience on bringing down the unmet hours?




Loi Ng

Mechanical Engineer, LEED(r) AP

Diversified Engineering, Inc.

914 Silver Spring Avenue, Suite 208

Silver Spring, MD 20190

Tel: 301-565-2000 x 234

Fax 301-495-1563 


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