[Equest-users] negative heating energy?

Jeff Haberl jhaberl at tamu.edu
Thu Dec 26 13:43:58 PST 2013


Did you save the previous input file?  If do, you can check the two BDL files to see what happened.


Jeff S. Haberl, Ph.D., P.E., FASHRAE, FIBPSA
Department of Architecture
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas 77845-3581
Office: 979-845-6507, Lab: 979-845-6065
Fax: 970-862-2457, jhaberl at tamu.edu<mailto:jhaberl at tamu.edu>, www.esl.tamu.edu<http://www.esl.tamu.edu>

On Dec 26, 2013, at 3:55 AM, "Liang, Xiao Owen" <Owen.Liang at aecom.com<mailto:Owen.Liang at aecom.com>> wrote:

Hi all,
I am now working on an eQuest modelling of a factory and every result was normal yesterday. But today when I ran the calculation, I saw in the result the space heating energy was negative, while actually I didn’t change any inputs from yesterday to now. Does anyone know what happened, or did anyone have similar experiences with me? The inp. File is attached. Thank you very much.

Ps: There is a bug with chiller 2. Click ‘water side system’, double click ‘chiller2’, set the electricity meter to ‘EM1’, right click ‘EM1’ and set to default to make it green. Then you can run the calculation. I don’t know why I have to reset chiller 2 each time, but I promise it’s none business with the negative heating energy.

Assistant Sustainability Consultant
<negative heating.inp>
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