[Equest-users] 回复: RE: 回复: RE: [EquesdC 11c2Vyc10gdTlnILi0o7ogUkU6 回复:[Equest-us ers ] Ther mal storage tank do esn 't wor k belo w zero degree

冷面寒枪 503271081 at qq.com
Sun Jun 2 18:52:18 PDT 2013

I modify the charge rate of my model to 11.8Mbtu/h,and my result is normal.

My eQUEST version is 3.64.There is no runing schedule to be given in my charge loop.

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "WangWendy"; 
发送时间: 2013年6月1日(星期六) 晚上10:18
收件人: "冷面寒枪"<503271081 at qq.com>; "Jenny Zhang"; "'Equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org'"; "'yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com'"; 
主题:  RE: 回复: RE: [EquesdC 11c2Vyc10gdTlnILi0o7ogUkU6  回复:[Equest-us ers ]  Ther mal   storage tank do esn 't  wor k  belo w zero degree

I can see your tank works perfectly below zero degree. But after reading through your screenshot I'm getting more confused why mine doesn't work. Our setting are quite similar.I noticed the only different setting from mine is Loop Min Flow. I' ve tried increasing the value to 1 like in yours (default is 0.05). But it doesn't help.The charge load is still 0, no assigned load of double duty chiller as well. I don't know. The other thing is the charge rate of your model is relatively small (9.1 MBtu/H equals to 760 RT I guess?) Have you tried any bigger number? I'm wondering if the tank still works with bigger chiller.One more question, did you give the charge loop a running schedule( though I've tried and it doesn't help either)? 
 Beside that,  I'm also curious about your version number of Equest like Jenny.
 Looking foward to your reply.
 From: 503271081 at qq.com
To: silver_mirror at msn.com; jenny.zhang at arup.com; equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org; yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com
Subject: 回复: RE: [EquesdC11c2Vyc10gu9g 复: RE: 回复:[Equest-us ers ] Ther mal storage tank do esn't wor k belo w zero degree 
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 19:42:45 +0800


 I have a project using ice-storage ,and the cold tank setting as above.

 the charge loop

 the discharge loop
 In hourly report my charge load and discharge load is normal


 ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
  发件人: "WangWendy"; 
 发送时间: 2013年5月31日(星期五) 晚上7:09
 收件人: "Jenny Zhang"; "冷面寒枪"; "'Equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org'"; "'yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com'"; 
 主题: RE: [EquesdC11c2Vyc10gu9g 复: RE: 回复:[Equest-us ers ] Ther mal storage tank do esn't wor k belo w zero degree 


 Maybe I didn't elaborate this problem clearly enough. Here i'm repeating: the tank does't work below 0 degree no matter what charge/discharge rate i assign to it. I don't know if other guy've met the same problem too?  
From: jenny.zhang at arup.com
To: silver_mirror at msn.com; 503271081 at qq.com; equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org; yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com
Subject: RE: [Equest-users] 回复: RE: 回复:[Equest-users ] Thermal storage tank doesn't work below zero degree
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 10:34:11 +0000

I met the same problem. Maybe it is a bug of equest. If my memory is right, I think eQuest before 3.63 could do ice storage correctly.
From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of WangWendy
Sent: 2013年5月31日 18:14
To: 冷面寒枪; Equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: Re: [Equest-users] 回复: RE: 回复:[Equest-users ] Thermal storage tank doesn't work belo w zero degree

enclosed are the screenshot. You may see both the water side system and the propertites panel of storage tank. Charge temperature now is 32 F( 0 C) due to the reason i mentioned. Another two attachement are the screenshot of charge loop and discharge loop.

From: 503271081 at qq.com
To: silver_mirror at msn.com; equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: 回复: RE: 回复:[Equest-users ] Thermal storage tank doesn't work belo w zero degree
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 17:59:53 +0800

can you provide the water side system screenshot in eQUEST or attach your inp and pd2 file in Email. 


------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------

发件人: "WangWendy"; 

发送时间: 2013年5月31日(星期五) 下午5:54

收件人: "冷面寒枪"; "Equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org"; 

主题: RE: 回复:[Equest-users ] Thermal storage tank doesn't work belo w zero degree


Of course I've set the maximum rate per design value. My problem here is the actual rate doesn't equal to the supposed value. As i mentioned below, the actual discharge/charge load/rate is zero when the entering/leaving temperature is below 0 degree. I don't think the problem comes from wrong setting of discharge/charge rate.

Any other possibility besides the charge/discharge rate?

Thank you all the same.


From: 503271081 at qq.com
To: silver_mirror at msn.com; equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: 回复:[Equest-users] Thermal storage tank doesn't work below zero degree
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 17:32:17 +0800

you must Specifies the maximum rateat which the storage component can discharge and discharge 。




------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------

发件人: "WangWendy"; 

发送时间: 2013年5月31日(星期五) 下午2:55

收件人: "Equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org"; 

主题: [Equest-users] Thermal storage tank doesn't work below zero degree


Hello everyone
This problem came across when I was modelling an ice-storage system. Hourly report said the charge and discharge load are both zero, which means the tank doesn’t work under the setting condition. The supposed entering temperature of the tank is -6℃ and is leaving at -3℃. Freeze temp is below -10℃. In order to run the simulation, I have to raise the charge/discharge temperature as well as the loop temperature of charge loop up above 0℃. When the charge temperature is above or  equal to zero, the tank does work. However it changes the performance of double duty chillers under ice-making mode, since the curve of chiller is different with different leaving temperature, leading to a bigger assigned load of double duty chiller than the max charge load and less accurate results.
Does anyone have any thoughts how to solve this problem? Making storage tank work below 0℃ at setting temperature? Or is this the limit of eQuest software yet to be solved?
Many thanks

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