[Equest-users] Roof reflectivity, emissivity and absorptance in equest

Jeff Ross-Bain jeff at rbgb.com
Fri Nov 8 10:43:30 PST 2013

Hi All,


ASHRAE refers to roof properties in terms of reflectance, emittance, and SRI
(Appendix G Table G3.1 5c). However, eQuest uses absorptance. I am unable to
find in the eQuest input areas (wizard and detailed) where there is a means
to input values other than absorptance. Is there a conversion factor, or a
place to input reflectance, and emittance or SRI that I am unable to find?


Many thanks for your comments.


Best regards -


Jeff Ross-Bain, PE, LEED AP BD+C, BEMP

404-220-8940 Office

404-220-8955 Direct

www.rbgb.com <http://www.rbgb.com/> 

Build Green. Save Time


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