[Equest-users] Space by Space LPD requirements for 90.1 modeling

Patrick J. O'Leary, Jr. poleary1969 at gmail.com
Fri May 23 05:32:28 PDT 2014

historically this is not correct.  see the 90.1 user's manual example 
9-J, page 9-17 of the 2007 version (similar location in 2004, i don't 
have 2010 or 2013 handy to check page number).  the total allowance for 
the building is 1.22 w/sf ... compare this to the 1.17 w/sf determined 
for the same building example 9-H (building area method).

also on page 9-16, 1st paragraph, "rather than looking up the lighting 
power allowance for the entire building, the lighting power allowance is 
determined separately for each space within the building and then summed."

so unless you've got multiple occupancy space types (core/shell/tenants) 
where you'd want to do trade-offs (you can't trade off between tenant 
spaces using building area method & tenant spaces using space-by-space 

unless it's changed in 2010/2013 of course ... or there're ashrae 
interpretations otherwise but this is how it's been traditionally 
enforced by usgbc/local authorities where i'm at.

that being said the last sentence in paragraph 1 of page 9-16 reads 
"even though the designer must develop lighting that works in each 
space, it may be simpler for code compliance purposes to use the 
building area method."  so this might be what the reviewer is reading.

On 5/23/14 4:52 AM, Javed Iqbal wrote:
> Dear All,
> Recently i have received a comment from design team peer reviewer on 
> applicability of space by space lighting power density for 90.1 
> appendix G compliance modeling for manufacturing facility and given as 
> follows:
> /"Space by Space" method can only be used if the actual proposed 
> design meets the space by space requirements for each included space 
> type./
> I found similar discussion happened on *23/5/12- Building Area Method 
> 90.1 *(great insight from Nick) but didn't noticed any 
> such requirements like mentioned above. I am clueless on this and 
> can't even verify if this is a valid comment.
> I would appreciate if someone could guide me on this.
> Thanks in advance,
> -- 
> Javed Iqbal, LEED AP, CEA
> Sr. Energy Analyst
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