[Bldg-rate] Advanced Buildings Core Performance Guide - Steam Boilers

Robby Oylear robbyo at rushingco.com
Mon May 24 08:10:53 PDT 2010

Hello all,


Does anyone have any experience specifying high efficiency steam boilers
to meet the Advanced Building Core Performance Guide requirements?  Table
2.9.4 lists Steam Boilers at a minimum efficiency of 89% Et.  


>From what I've been able to gather, high efficiency steam boilers
typically max out at 83% Ec/AFUE.  Also, in speaking with local
manufacturer's representatives, they have never seen a steam boiler
appliance achieve this level of efficiency.  Is this a mistake?  If not,
does anyone know of a product that can meet this efficiency level?


Any help would be appreciated.




Robby Oylear, LEEDR AP

Mechanical Engineer

direct: 206.788.4571

cell: 206.354.2721

www. <http://www.rushingco.com> rushingco.com



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