[BLDG-SIM] Modeling a manufacturing environment

Jeff Thornton thornton at tess-inc.com
Wed Jan 10 20:47:48 PST 2001

At 01:39 PM 1/10/01 -0700, you wrote:

>What I have in mind is to simulate the brewing process using a business
>simulation program that has the capability of modeling process piping and
>heat in and out of the manufacturing process.  This would give a handle on
>the frequency and quantity of heat required to process the beer.  Along with
>the quantity of waste product.  Then, I would envision building a second
>model of the building and the environmental interface.  From this we would
>be able to explore heat source options, including biopower, industrial solar
>and other options, to understand their practical or economic viability to
>our needs.

>My question is does anyone have experience in working on similar, or
>conceptually a process like I have outlined.  And, if you would have
>interest in collaborating on such an undertaking.  Also, suggestions would
>be greatly appreciated.

Fred, Bldg-Sim List Members

We performed a similar study about a year ago on a manufacturing plant in 
Brazil that had a large industrial waste heat supply and a progressive 
management team that wanted to "green" the plant.  They wanted to study 
solar absorption cooling, solar power generation, process heat options and 
domestic hot water schemes that would save energy (and money) while adding 
cooling to a previously unconditioned facility.  After studying several 
simulation programs, we decided to use the TRNSYS software for the project 
for several reasons.  First and foremost is that we have lots of experience 
with the software.  Secondly, we found that its tremendous flexibility and 
modularity made it ideal for a project like this - one that will be built 
in stages.  The ability to add new component models to the software package 
proved extremely beneficial as we had to write several models for processes 
in the plant that were not part of the package.  We found that other 
monolithic simulation packages lacked the flexibility that was needed to 
study all the different configurations and options that the client wished 
to study.  Finally, the software lets an expert create a finished 
simulation package that we could distribute to the client so that they 
themselves could study the system, optimize the design, and view the 
projected results without the cost of having us do all the leg-work.

I have attached a zip file (1 bitmap), containing one of the early TRNSYS 
representations of this system, to this e-mail so you can get an idea of 
the system we were tasked to study.

If you have any questions about that project, or would like to discuss your 
new project - I can be reached at (608) 274-2577.

With kindest regards,

Jeff Thornton

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Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS)
Jeff Thornton					5610 Medical Circle
Principal					Suite 31
Phone:  (608) 274-2577			Madison WI 53719
Fax:  (608) 278-1475				USA
E-mail:   thornton at tess-inc.com 		
Web Page:	www.tess-inc.com

"Providing software solutions for today's energy engineering projects"

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