[BLDG-SIM] abstract call

Beausoleil-Morrison, Ian ibeausol at NRCan.gc.ca
Mon Mar 11 05:37:38 PST 2002

 Symposium on the coupling of building air flow
and energy modelling programs<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Call for Abstracts

ASHRAE Technical Committees 4.7 (Energy Calculations) and TC 4.10 (Indoor
Environment Modelling) are jointly organizing a symposium on the subject of
coupling energy and air flow modelling programs.  The target date for the
symposium is the summer 2003 ASHRAE meeting.

The symposium will consider the coupling of energy analysis and: nodal or
network air flow methods for modelling infiltration, inter-zone air flow,
and pollutant dispersion; zonal or computational fluid dynamics methods for
modelling air motion, indoor air quality and comfort conditions within
rooms; intermediate methods for resolving room stratification; strategies
for integrating these diverse modelling domains; innovative applications of
coupled models; and other advances related to the coupling of energy
analysis and air flow programs.

Interested authors are invited to submit an abstract of their proposed paper
to Ian Beausoleil-Morrison at the e-mail address shown below.  The abstract
should not exceed 500 words and should provide an outline of the paper,
demonstrate the unique contribution, and should clearly indicate how the
paper will relate to the theme "coupling of energy and air flow modelling
programs ".  Abstracts should be submitted in either PDF (preferred) or Word
format and must be received by June 10.  Authors will be notified of
abstract acceptance in July, following the ASHRAE summer meeting.

Ian Beausoleil-Morrison
Leader / Building Simulation Team
CANMET Energy Technology Centre
Natural Resources Canada
580 Booth Street, 13th Floor
Ottawa, K1A 0E4
(613) 943-2262  phone
(613) 996-9909  fax
 <mailto:ibeausol at nrcan.gc.ca> ibeausol at nrcan.gc.ca

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