[BLDG-SIM] Checking interest in an ESP-r developers conference.

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Thu Mar 27 08:31:10 PST 2003

To the ESP-r community:

Since switching to the GPL distribution and development approach for
ESP-r there have been a growing number of individuals and groups who
have downloaded the distribution and who are making use of it in their
work, businesses and classrooms. With this expanding user community
comes an increasing demand to evolve the system.

There is a existing development community who manage the half million
lines of code and dozens of example models. We want current and
potential developers to expand their skills and join in the discussions
about evolving ESP-r.

What we have in mind is to host a worldwide developers workshop and
conference for ESP-r. Basic workshop sessions might include topics such

 * structure of the code distribution
 * the common code base (esrucom)
 * library functions (Fortran and C)
 * underlying data model and its expression in files and common blocks

There might also be advanced workshop sessions covering topics such

 * thermophysical sub-systems and inter domain communication
 * advanced scripting
 * working with other software agents
 * data exchange with other software agents
 * porting issues
 * adding functionality and/or extending the data model
 * procedures for contributing to the 'archive'

The conference might include presentations by key developers,
discussions on where do we want to go and how we go about getting

The workshop would be residential, and to save costs, we would probably
make use of University of Strathclyde accommodation and computing
facilities. Costs per person would be 300 Pounds plus accommodation
expenses. Of course, the Highlands of Scotland and the magnificent West
Coast is so easy to get to and we will be finding some ways for you to
get a taste of it.

So, we want to find out who would be interested in bringing their
laptops and ideas to Glasgow this summer. Please tick the boxes below
and email back to Jon Hand (jon at esru.strath.ac.uk) by the middle of 


[ ] I would like to attend the basic workshop
[ ] I would like to attend the advanced workshop
[ ] I would like to attend the conference
[ ] I would like to contribute to a session/talk/workshop
    and my contribution is ______________________________

I would prefer [ ] June, [ ] July, [ ] August

I would prefer [ ] three days or [ ] five days.

[ ] I am interested in seeing a bit of Scotland

[ ] I am interested in a joint project (involving an extended visit)

Tick the topics you are interested in:

[ ] structure of the code distribution
[ ] the common code base (esrucom)
[ ] library functions (Fortran and C)
[ ] thermophysical sub-systems and inter domain communication
[ ] underlying data model and its expression in common blocks
[ ] advanced scripting
[ ] working with other software agents
[ ] data exchange with other software agents
[ ] porting issues
[ ] adding functionality and/or extending the data model
[ ] procedures for contributing to the 'archive'

We welcome your suggestions for other topics:

[ ] ___________________________________________

[ ] ___________________________________________

Regards, ESRU

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