[BLDG-SIM] Latest in the field of simulation!

Alpana Jain ajain at setty.com
Tue May 2 13:41:52 PDT 2006



I am looking for someone who can spare time and talk about the latest
happenings in the field of "Building Simulation technology and
Performance of Buildings"  at our USGBC - NCR (National Capital Region)
chapter meet next month in the third week of June, in Washington DC.

Anyone interested or if you could point me to someone who would be a
knowledgeable and a willing speaker in the field. 


You can email me directly with the background of the person at :
ajain at setty.com

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.





Alpana Jain Kapoor, LEED AP

Setty & Associates, Ltd

10340 Democracy Lane, Suite #304

Fairfax, VA - 22030

703.691.2115 ext.19 (work)

703.691.8084 (fax)

Mail: ajain at setty.com <mailto:ajain at setty.com> 

Web: www.setty.com <http://www.setty.com/> 

"I get up, I walk, I fall down; meanwhile I keep dancing"



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