[Bldg-sim] Model got you stumped? Ask questions, get answers, no distractions!

Neal Kruis neal.kruis at bigladdersoftware.com
Thu Feb 14 09:45:38 PST 2013


Thanks for bringing this up. There are a few steps that you need to go
through before you can vote:

1. Follow the site<http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/45232/building-performance-simulation-analysis>(this
requires that you enter an email address)

[image: Inline image 3]

2. Confirm your address (an email will automatically be generated and sent
to the address you enter)

3. Register for an account (until you register you will have only 1
reputation point)

[image: Inline image 2]

4. After you register you will be given 50 more points and the privilege to
vote. This also gives you a chance to change your name from the generic

It may take a while for the Stack Exchange servers to update and get
everything ready for you to participate. It looks like you now have 51
points and you've used all 5 of your votes. Let me know if you are still
having trouble.


Neal Kruis
828 482-2088

Big Ladder Software
2549 Irving Street
Denver, CO 80211

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 10:12 AM, Karen Walkerman <kwalkerman at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Neal,
> I applaud you for this effort, and I just signed in to take part.
>  However, the StackOverflow point system is very frustrating.  The site
> fluctuates between telling me that I have a reputation of 51, and then a
> reputation of 1.  I was able to upvote a few questions, but now the site
> thinks that I have a reputation of 1, and so I can't take part in the
> discussion.  I'm not sure if others have had the same experiences, but I'd
> be curious to know.  I know that you are limited to the number of votes you
> can cast over the course of a day, but do you loose "reputation" for
> upvoting other posts?
> --
> Karen
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 11:08 AM, Neal Kruis <
> neal.kruis at bigladdersoftware.com> wrote:
>> Dear fellow energy modelers,
>> *
>> *
>> *We (myself and more than 100 other modelers) want to make answers more
>> accessible to the building energy modeling community. There are many venues
>> (usually forums or mailing lists like this one) where modelers are
>> already asking questions, but, though these services include an archive of
>> all previous questions, answers, discussions, and announcements, they lack
>> the organization and structure to make the knowledge base of answers easily
>> accessible.*
>> *
>> The computer programming community has faced this same problem and has
>> come up with a solution called stackoverflow.com<http://stackoverflow.com/about>,
>> a website that focuses entirely on providing answers. The Stack Overflow
>> platform relies on the community to up-vote good answers to increase the
>> visibility for others who may ask the same question in the future. When
>> others vote for your answers you gain "reputation points" that help
>> establish your expertise in the community, which in turn provides a better
>> incentive to provide answers even to the most beginner-level questions.
>> Since launching in 2008, Stack Overflow has been extremely successful:
>> boasting 17 million unique visitors and 8.3 million answers! The success of
>> Stack Overflow has led to several other question and answer sites<http://stackexchange.com/sites>from
>> photography <http://photo.stackexchange.com/> to cooking<http://cooking.stackexchange.com/>to Jewish
>> law <http://judaism.stackexchange.com/>, all using the same platform as
>> Stack Overflow and successfully supporting their respective communities.
>> We would like to do the same for the building energy modeling community,
>> but before we can launch a fully functional site we need your help to prove
>> that we have a large enough active community to support such a site and to
>> help establish the scope of support the site will offer. This is the only
>> requirement to use Stack Oveflow's platform; it is completely free and open
>> to the public.
>> Please visit our proposal:
>> http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/45232/building-performance-simulation-analysis
>> <http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/45232/building-performance-simulation-analysis>
>> If you'd like to support this effort you can do so by:
>> 1. Joining the site<http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/45232/building-performance-simulation-analysis>(100+ followers and counting!)<http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/45232/building-performance-simulation-analysis>
>> 2. Up-voting questions that help establish the scope of our community (We
>> need 40 questions with 10+ votes to move to the next phase. Please consider
>> voting for questions that do not yet have 10 votes!)
>> 3. Proposing your own example questions
>> 4. Spreading the word to your friends and colleagues!
>> For further reading:
>> - Blog post at openrevit.com: A Building Energy Performance Simulation
>> Q&A site that will change your life!<http://openrevit.com/2013/01/a-building-energy-performance-simulation-qa-site-that-will-change-your-life/>
>> - How Stack Overflow works: http://stackoverflow.com/about
>>  <http://stackoverflow.com/about>
>> Thank you!*
>> Neal Kruis
>> 828 482-2088
>>  Big Ladder Software
>> 2549 Irving Street
>> Denver, CO 80211
>> http://www.bigladdersoftware.com
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