[Bldg-sim] Azimuth in equest
Joe Huang
yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com
Tue Jul 8 17:25:23 PDT 2014
In eQUEST, there's a further nesting of the coordinates at the FLOOR level, i.e.,
Building -> Floor -> Space
The FLOOR coordinates are particularly important, since the floor footprint (POLYGON =
XXX, SHAPE = POLYGON) defines the origin and azimuth for the walls.
Joe Huang
White Box Technologies, Inc.
346 Rheem Blvd., Suite 108D
Moraga CA 94556
yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com
http://weather.whiteboxtechnologies.com for simulation-ready weather data
(o) (925)388-0265
(c) (510)928-2683
"building energy simulations at your fingertips"
On 7/8/2014 3:10 PM, Jeff Haberl wrote:
> Shaun,
> Also, within DOE-2 simulations there are (3) orientations: the building, the space and
> the exterior/interior surface. Hence, you can easily have a -91.27 = northeast if you
> don't know all (3) orientations. You can see this in the LV- or verification reports for
> LOADS. You should be able to see this in the "viewer" as well (of which there are several).
> Jeff
> 8=! 8=) :=) 8=) ;=) 8=) 8=( 8=) 8=() 8=) 8=| 8=) :=') 8=) 8=?
> Jeff S. Haberl, Ph.D.,P.E.inactive,FASHRAE,FIBPSA,......jhaberl at tamu.edu
> <mailto:........jhaberl at tamu.edu>
> Professor........................................................................Office
> Ph: 979-845-6507
> Department of Architecture............................................Lab Ph:979-845-6065
> Energy Systems Laboratory...........................................FAX: 979-862-2457
> Texas A&M University...................................................77843-3581
> College Station, Texas, USA, 77843..............................URL:www.esl.tamu.edu
> 8=/ 8=) :=) 8=) ;=) 8=) 8=() 8=) :=) 8=) 8=! 8=) 8=? 8=) 8=0
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Bldg-sim [bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] on behalf of John Aulbach
> [jra_sac at yahoo.com]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 08, 2014 4:53 PM
> *To:* Shaun Martin; bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Bldg-sim] Azimuth in equest
> I am going to guess your Ploygon is part of a larger building. When you say you set the
> Azimuth of the Polygon, what is the Azimuth of the Building itself?
> John R. Aulbach, PE
> On Tuesday, July 8, 2014 10:41 AM, Shaun Martin <smartin at shaunmartinconsulting.com> wrote:
> In equest, SHAPE = POLYGON determines the x, y, z, azimuth. Does anybody happen know
> why a wall with an azimuth of -91.27^deg would be listed as NORTH-EAST in the LV-D
> report? Is there any easy way to fix this without redoing all the polygons?
> (Specifying the AZIMUTH does not work.)
> Thanks,
> /Shaun Martin LEED AP/
> /Principal/
> /Shaun Martin Consulting/
> /2060 Pine Street/
> /Vancouver, BC V6J 4P8/
> /P: 604-789-1095/
> /E: smartin at shaunmartinconsulting.com/
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