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[EnergyPlus_Support] simulation output

Dear all,

I start getting used to E+ and enjoy it?! (I can't believe I am saying it
after the week I had!)
Maybe you can help me with that one! I extended the model to cover two
zones. For one of the two zones I applied infiltration as shown below:

    Plant_room,              !- Zone Name
    yr_const,                !- SCHEDULE Name
    .104,                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s}
     1,                      !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0,                       !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0,                       !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0;                       !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

Furthermore I applied mixing between the two zones as follows:

 Archive_store,           !- Zone Name
    yr_const,                !- SCHEDULE Name
    .00732,                  !- Design Level {m3/s}
    Plant_room,              !- Source Zone Name
    0;                       !- Delta Temperature {C or K}

I now try to plot the air volumes moved into the zones and out of the zones
using the report facility. I defined the report as follows:

Report Variable,
    ZoneNode,                !- Key_Value
    Infiltration-Volume,     !- Variable_Name
    timestep;                !- Reporting_Frequency

Report Variable,
    PRZoneNodeUnique,        !- Key_Value
    Infiltration-Volume,     !- Variable_Name
    timestep;                !- Reporting_Frequency

But so far I was not successful. Could you please advice what I do wrong the
warning occurring is:

** Warning ** The following Report Variables were requested but not
   **   ~~~   ** because IDF did not contain these elements or misspelled
variable name -- check .rdd file
   ************* Key=ZONENODE, VarName=INFILTRATION-VOLUME

Many thanks for your effort in advance!


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