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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Minimum system air flow rate
For "reverse-action" damper control, the ratio should be set to 1. The
change will affect the
sizing of the terminal unit heating coils and the central heating coil.
It might affect the overall
design flow rates of the zones. Basically putting in 1 allows the sizing
algorithms to do a better
job of sizing your system when you are using reverse action dampers.
Fred Buhl
Ali_Ajmi wrote:
>What may be the effects to the building simulation?
>"Michael J. Witte" <mjwitte@xxxxxxxx> wrote:My sense is that the documentation is correct and the example files are
>incorrect. I would set the value to 1.0. (I am waiting for confirmation from
>the author of the sizing algorithms.)
>On 13 Sep 2005, at 12:25, Ali_Ajmi wrote:
>>Dear All,
>>From the Input/Output reference, I quote this paragraph "If the zone VAV dampers
>>are reverse action and can open to full flow to meet heating demand, this ratio
>>should be set to 1". While in the 5ZoneAutoDXVAV this value set to 0.3, is this
>>different case than what described above in the quote? If the answer is yes,
>>then when this should be set to 1 and what others field need to be change as
>>Thanks in advance.
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>Michael J. Witte, GARD Analytics, Inc.
>EnergyPlus Testing and Support
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