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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Heat Recovery Unit and Primary Air Loop
See example files TermRhGenericOAHeatRecPreheat and
On 13 Dec 2005, at 10:16, Clarice Bleil de Souza wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I am trying to simulate a Heat Recovery Unit + a Cooling Coil in a Primary Air
> Loop, which then feeds treated fresh air to a Secondary Air Loop with Fancoil
> systems.
> I had problems connecting this Primary Air Loop to the Outside Air node of the
> Fancoils, there's probably sth in the code that doesn't allow it to happen as
> Fancoils are pretty standard machines. So I decided to mix the air in the
> zones directly.
> I built up a Primary Air Loop with a Heat Recovery Unit + a Cooling Coil and I
> want to deliver treated fresh air directly to each zone using a Direct Air
> object after the Zone Splitter. The system seems to be working perfectly
> whenever the Heat Recovery Unit is not connected to it.
> Once I plug the Heat Recovery Unit in, the simulation crashes because there
> are problems in connecting it to the Outside Air Mixer in the Primary Air Loop
> and also control problems. I couldn't figure out what exactly was wrong with
> my files, first I thought that it might not be possible to connect a Heat
> Recovery Unit to an Primary Air Loop then I thought that maybe a template
> would help me. Does anybody has any template for Heat Recovery Units connected
> to primary Air Loops?
> I thank you in advance for the attention and help
> Regards,
> Clarice
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