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There are 2 node names requested in the Set Point Manager:Single Zone
Max Hum object. Both of these nodes must be defined elsewhere in the E+
The Name of the set point Node or Node list (A4): The node name or each
node name in the node list should be a valid node in the air loop (this
name is used by other air loop objects. For example, the outlet node
name of the cooling coil).
The Control zone air node name (A5): This is the zone name where the
humidity is to be controlled. This node name must be listed in a
Controlled Zone Equip Configuration object.
Inputs for Control Variable (A2) and Schedule Name (A3) will no longer
be needed in future versions of EnergyPlus.
If this does not help, check the spelling of all node name referenced by
the Set Point Manager:Single Zone Max Hum object and make sure they show
up elsewhere in the input and in the appropriate places.
Your last alternative is to upload your file to the EnergyPlus support
group for additional help.
\min-fields 5
A1 , \field Name
\reference SetPointManagers
A2 , \field Control variable
\note Deprecated Field. This field is not used
A3 , \field Schedule name
\note Deprecated Field. This field is not used
A4 , \field Name of the set point Node or Node List
\note Node at which humidity ratio set point will be set
A5 ; \field Control zone air node name
\note Name of the zone air node for the humidity control zone
aboyemeplus wrote:
> Hi all,
> The message listed below is displayed when I use the "Max Humidity
> Control" option with the "Furnace:BlowThru:HeatCool" object. The goal
> of the controller is met (RH in Zone 2 does not exceed 50%) despite
> the node connection error! I really would like to know the
> meaning/implications of the error.
> Thank you for your support.
> Merid
> ** Severe ** Node Connection Error, Node="ZONE 2 ZONE AIR NODE",
> Sensor node did not find a matching node of appropriate type.
> ** ~~~ ** Reference Object=SET POINT MANAGER:SINGLE ZONE MAX HUM,
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Richard A. Raustad
Senior Research Engineer
Florida Solar Energy Center
University of Central Florida
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Fax: (321) 638-1439 or 1010
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