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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Simulating TES with Chilled Water and PCM
There is no chilled water storage model.
THERMAL STORAGE:ICE:DETAILED has an input for "Freezing/Melting Temperature of
Storage Medium". There is a note indicating that the charging and discharging
curve fits must be adjusted accordingly.
On 28 Aug 2007 at 21:55, Ian Doebber wrote:
> Is there a way to model a stratified chilled water thermal storage
> system in Energy Plus? I could not find anything in the documentation.
> Also, is there a way to tweak the thermal properties of water in the
> existing Ice Storage objects to act like a Phase Change Material that
> has a melting point of 46 F and other different physical properties
> (density etc).
> Ian Doebber
> Arup
> Mechanical Engineer
> Cell : 415-613-4314
> Fax : 415-957-9096
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