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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] A question about CTFs

Here is a code which I wrote in VBA to bring in CTFs from Excel along with inside and outside surface temperatures, and can then calculate the new heat flux.  I have an expanded version which performs surface heat balances so that you do not have to bring in surface temperatures, but I figured this is focused more on what you were wanting.  Hope it helps in some way.

Sub CTFtoFlux()
'Calculates hourly flux values for a given day using CTFs up to order n=5

'Dimension Variables
'X(n),Y(n),Z(n),PHI(n),Text(day, hour),Tint(day, hour),
'days, hours
Dim qflux_in(8761) As Single, Text(8761) As Single, Tint(8761) As Single
Dim X(7) As Single, Y(7) As Single, Z(7) As Single, PHI(7) As Single

'*******Read in CTFs
Xflag = 0: Yflag = 0: Zflag = 0: PHIflag = 0

For i = 0 To 7
    If Xflag = 0 Then
        If IsEmpty(Cells(i + 6, 3)) = False Then
            X(i) = Cells(i + 6, 3).Value
            n_X = i - 1
            Xflag = 1
        End If
    End If
    If Yflag = 0 Then
       If IsEmpty(Cells(i + 6, 4)) = False Then
           Y(i) = Cells(i + 6, 4).Value
           n_Y = i - 1
           Yflag = 1
       End If
    End If
    If Zflag = 0 Then
       If IsEmpty(Cells(i + 6, 5)) = False Then
           Z(i) = Cells(i + 6, 5).Value
           n_Z = i - 1
           Zflag = 1
       End If
    End If
    If PHIflag = 0 Then
       If IsEmpty(Cells(i + 6, 6)) = False Then
           PHI(i) = Cells(i + 6, 6).Value
           n_PHI = i - 1
           PHIflag = 1
       End If
    End If
Next i
'*******Input Daily Temp Range
For days = 1 To 364
    For hours = 1 To 24
        HRofYR = 24 * days + hours
        Text(HRofYR) = Cells(hours + 18, 3)
        Tint(HRofYR) = Cells(hours + 18, 4)
    Next hours
Next days

'*******Initial (day zero) Heat Flux set to zero
For hours = 1 To 24
    qflux_in(hours) = 0
Next hours

'******Calculate fluxes for three days, check for convergence
For days = 1 To 3
    For hours = 1 To 24
    HRofYR = 24 * days + hours

'**************interior:  qcond=Z0term-Zsum+Y0term+Ysum+PhiSum
        zTerm = Z(0) * Tint(HRofYR)

        'Sum up Z terms (inside temperature terms)
        zSum = 0
        For k = 1 To n_Z
            zSum = zSum + Z(k) * Tint(HRofYR - k)
        Next k
        yTerm = Y(0) * Tint(HRofYR)
        'Sum up Y terms (outside temperature terms)
        ySum = 0
        For k = 1 To n_Y
            ySum = ySum + Y(k) * Text(HRofYR - k)
        Next k
        'Sum up flux history terms
        phiSum = 0
        For k = 1 To n_PHI
            phiSum = phiSum + PHI(k) * qflux_in(HRofYR - k)
        Next k
        qflux_in(HRofYR) = -zTerm - zSum + yTerm + ySum + phiSum

    Next hours
Next days

'*****************exterior:  qcond=-Y0term-Ysum+X0term+Xsum+PhiSum

'*****************Output flux data
For days = 1 To 3
    For hours = 1 To 24
        HRofYR = 24 * days + hours
        Cells(9 + hours, days + 8) = qflux_in(HRofYR)
    Next hours
Next days

End Sub

----- Original Message ----
From: wanglei <wangleihello@xxxxxxx>
To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 9:11:16 PM
Subject: [EnergyPlus_Support] A question about CTFs



Dear all:

 I want to use the CTF to calculate the heat transfer through the wall.

 The form of the conduction transfer function solution is below equation:  

 Current Inside Conductive Flux = (Inside Term 0) * (Current Inside Face Temperature)

                                  +(Inside Term 1) * (Previous Inside Face Temperature)

                                  +(Inside Term 2) * (Inside Face Temperature 2 Time Steps Ago)

                                  +(Inside Term 3) * (Inside Face Temperature 3 Time Steps Ago)

                                  + ...

                                  +(Cross Term 0) * (Current Outside Face Temperature)

                                  +(Cross Term 1) * (Previous Outside Face Temperature)

                                  +(Cross Term 2) * (Outside Face Temperature 2 Time Steps Ago)

                                  +(Cross Term 3) * (Outside Face Temperature 3 Time Steps Ago)

                                  + ...

                                  +(Flux Term 1) * (Previous Inside Face Flux)

                                  +(Flux Term 2) * (Inside Face Flux 2 Time Steps Ago)

                                  +(Flux Term 3) * (Inside Face Flux 3 Time Steps Ago)

                                  + ...

and I get the CTFs in *.eio file, the value of CTFs is shown below:

Construction, EXTERWALL1_ CONCRETE_ 2100,   4,  18,   0.167,     0.6033    ,   0.900,   0.900,   0.700,   0.700,Rough

 Material,SLUSH MORTAR,  0.0200,         0.930,   1800.000,     1062.000,  0.2151E-01

 Material,EPS1,  0.0500,         0.040,     15.000,     1400.000,   1.250   

 Material,CONCRETE1_ 2100,  0.2000,         1.280,   2100.000,      920.000,  0.1562   

 Material,LIME MORTAR,  0.2000,         0.870,   1700.000,     1050.000,  0.2299   

 CTF,18,0.15049167E- 07,-0.21682487E- 18,0.67069711E- 13, -0.15626633E- 14

 CTF,17,-0.26448243E -05,-0.15318301E -18,-0.66319653E -07,  0.15918648E- 08

 CTF,16, 0.15333157E- 03,0.16905925E- 18, 0.94242000E- 05,  -0.22710729E- 06

 CTF,15, -0.44145301E- 02,-0.84324973E- 17, -0.39650340E- 03, 0.96432515E- 05

 CTF, 14,0.76655816E- 01, 0.12202644E- 14, 0.87375554E- 02,   -0.21485780E- 03

 CTF,  13, -0.88895541, 0.91721351E- 13,  -0.12139338    ,   0.30224184E- 02

 CTF,  12, 7.3048382 ,  0.37306641E- 11,   1.1614489    ,    -0.29318711E- 01

 CTF,  11, -44.119610,  0.64830792E- 10,   -8.0375559   ,    0.20599150   

 CTF,  10, 200.43401 ,  0.56642175E- 09,    41.419788    ,    -1.0792574   

 CTF,   9,  -694.62120 ,0.25311226E- 08,   -161.69510    ,       4.2897295   

 CTF,   8,  1849.9195  ,0.60119969E- 08,    482.45677    ,      -13.050737   

 CTF,   7,   -3792.0595 , 0.74054537E- 08,   -1102.8340    ,    30.461354   

 CTF,   6,  5958.2866    , 0.47728248E- 08,1923.9766, -54.337180   

 CTF,   5,  -7099.4379 , 0.13441164E- 08, -2534.5777    ,       73.285778   

 CTF,   4,  6290.1754  , 0.27272593E- 09,    2472.3625    ,      -73.274261  

 CTF,   3,  -4008.4518 , -0.53020291E- 10,  -1727.2414  , 52.524960   

 CTF,   2,  1733.9872 , 0.29931675E- 10,   815.66186    ,      -25.472846   

 CTF,   1,   -455.33483 , -0.87445859E- 11,-232.84147    ,       7.4729689   

 CTF,   0,  54.733855 ,   0.11687668E- 11, 30.301279     

The C languange source code of my program is shown below:

for(t=0;t<TotalNum; t++)






 for(j=1;j<=N; j++)




   ZTi=ZTi+Z[j] *TI[t-j];

         YTo=YTo+Y[j] *TO[t-j];

      Qqi=Qqi+Q[j] *QI[t-j];






  QI[t]=0-Z[0] *TI[t]-ZTi+ Y[0]*TO[t] +YTo+Qqi;


 //  printf("%f\t% f\t%f\n", -Z[0]*TI[ t],-ZTi,YTo, ,Qqi);


After run this program, the result confuses me, because the heat flue is increasing with time increasing.

Anyone can told me why?

Wang Lei

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