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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Re: Help!! - Estimating Extraction Zone Air Temperature
1. Yes.
2. Yes. The mixing flow will occur from Zone A to Zone B, even if you do not
include the INFILTRATION object. The reason for including it is to impact the
load and/or temperature of Zone A, the zone which is sending air to the
extraction zone.
3. No. The Delta Temperature on the MIXING object is a control to determine
if the mixing flow is active at the present time or not. You want this to be
zero so that mixing flow will occur any time that your schedule is >0.
When using the MIXING object, the heat balance in the receiving zone simply
assumes that for every m3 of mixing flow received from another zone(s), an
equal volume of air will leave the receiving zone. If you want to keep this
simple, you can leave the ZONE EXHAUST FAN out completely, and simply take the
extraction zone mean air temperature and add the fan temperature rise to it..
If you prefer to model the ZONE EXHAUST FAN, the temperature rise of the fan
will be seen by reporting the "System Node Temp" for the Fan_Outlet_Node of the
exhaust fan.
On 13 Dec 2007 at 13:06, brandao_nuno wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I have another three questions on this issue:
> 1.I want to estimate the zone extraction air temperature without
> adding any HVAC equipament. When estimating the heating load, I used
> the "INFILTRATION" object and not the "OUTSIDE AIR FLOW" field in the
> "PURCHASED AIR" object, to bring the total outside air to the zones,
> in order to avoid the "PURCHASED AIR" outside air shutt off in the day
> periods when there is no heating load. Is this assumption correct?
> 2.In order to avoid using HVAC equipment, is it possible to use the
> "INFILTRATION" object in the adjacent zones and indicate the outside
> air as infiltration, in order assure that the extraction zone is
> extracting the correct amount of air and assure the airflow balance?
> 3.In the I/O Reference documentation, it´s not very clear where
> temperature rise due to the exhaust fan power, is accounted. Is this
> defined in the "DELTA TEMPERATURE" field on the "MIXING" object? Or do
> I have to define a "Zone Exhaust Fan" object per extraction zone?
> Thank you for your patience
> Regards
> Nuno Brandao
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Michael J. Witte, GARD Analytics, Inc.
EnergyPlus Testing and Support
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