Free sketchup is not going to support dwg
importing for much longer.
From: Jackson, Alan
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009
1:09 PM
Cc: bldg-sim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Bldg-sim]
[EnergyPlus_Support] I need advices for choosing a GUI
In what sense?
If you mean it
doesn’t have every single capability of modeling like the IDF or Text
editor would, yes. But nothing does. It’s hard to keep up with the E+
developer cycle ;-)
If you mean it
doesn’t run off Energyplus 3.0. It does.
I don’t use it
because it’s too expensive. I prefer OpenStudio and the IDF
Editor/Textpad because you have access to all the capabilities that E+ has to
offer, but it took me years to become even semi comfortable (read: confident)
with modeling through a txt file.
Either way maybe
this should be moved over to BLDG-SIM.
Alan Jackson, LEED AP
EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Emanuele Naboni
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009
1:03 PM
Subject: Re: [EnergyPlus_Support]
I need advices for choosing a GUI
Yes, but Hevacomp does not have the capabilities of EnergyPlus.
Emanuele Naboni
per l'Italia: 346.4133337
from US: +39.346.4133337
skype: emanuelenaboni
MArch, PhD Building Science, LEED AP, EU licensed architect
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2009/10/29 Jackson, Alan <ajackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
You should look into Hevacomp which is
being revamped for the US.
Alan Jackson, LEED AP
My feeling is that their currently is not a *perfect* GUI for EnergyPlus,
especially if you're interested in interoperability (ie IFC, gbXML, etc).
Designbuilder seems to be getting closest in this regard, but when I tested it
a while ago I found the modelling interface to be a bit clumsy and restrictive.
OpenStudio is not bad, but still needs a little work to be practical for every
day use (for instance, to my knowledge there is currently no good way to
specify a heat transfer surface's adjacency conditions). I currently use
ECOTECT, which had a lot of promise when I started using it three years ago but
has progressed exactly zero since then. I don't know much about the other
system you mention.
To summarize: the three you mention will all probably work for you, and each
have their own advantages and disadvantages. If you're specifically interested
in IFC compatibility, I'm not sure about the status of DesignBuilder in this
respect, but neither OpenStudio nor ECOTECT currently have this capability.
On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 7:14 AM, bcavallier <bruno.cavallier@xxxxxxxxxxx>
I want to learn EnergyPlus but I need a GUI. As it is a new activity for me, I
would like to find the better couple [E+/GUI] regarding my needs. I am mainly
interested in building energy simulation, particularly on the topics of energy
efficiency and the smart use of solar energy for solar passive designing. I saw
a lot of software on the web : Google Sketch Up with Openstudio, Designbuilder
(well described at Harvard), Ecotect...
How can I make the best choice? My choice will use the IFC standard. I saw another
software : Digital Project of Gehry Technologies which is based on Catia
(Dassault Systemes) that works with IFC standards, but has anyone made
simulation with [E+/this soft]?
Could you give me advices, please...
Best regards
Josh Kjenner, P.Eng., LEED AP
Manasc Isaac Architects Ltd.
10225 100 Avenue :: Edmonton,
AB T5J 0A1
Emanuele Naboni
per l'Italia: 346.4133337
from US: +39.346.4133337
skype: emanuelenaboni
sustainable design consultant - consulente per la sostenibilita' di tecnologie,
edifici e citta'
MArch, PhD Building Science, LEED AP, EU licensed architect
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