Nick et al, I still think DesignBuilder offers good value for money when you
compare it to the cost of the pro-version of sketch-up. It imports dxf,
pdf, tiff, bmp, jpg (for 2d extruded modelling) & gbxml (for 3d importing).
Ok, perhaps it isn’t quite as pretty as SketchUp in places, but let’s
face it, as building physicists we’re generally not interested in
architectural fancifulness. We are interested in boxes (well more or
less) that make the maths quicker. DesignBuilder does all that just the
same. It also has the advantage of the CFD tool module that allows you to
look more closely airflow distribution based on the results from your EnergyPlus
simulations which are directly linked if you want them to be and produces mean
age of air results, that you could use for other ventilation & comfort
analysis. Just my tuppence/2 cents worth. Cheers Paul
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destroy any paper copies. Thank you. From: bldg-sim-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:bldg-sim-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Nick Caton The current version of free sketchup (as of this month I
believe) does not support .dwg importing, actually. If you continue using
any older version – it shouldn’t lose this functionality (keep your
installation files). The Sketchup development team has been clear on
their intent to continue .dwg and other proprietary format file support in the
Pro version. **A moment on my soapbox** Our office took this as a cue to recognize that the free version
of Sketchup is explicitly intended for educational/trial purposes, however
powerful it may be – not for professional design use. Our office
purchased a Pro license in response to ensure continued support of
import/export of .dwg and other formats we use. I’d encourage
others on bldg-sim to consider this carefully. The cost:benefit ratio of
the free version of Sketchup, for many of us, is pretty extraordinary. To
top it off it’s actually fairly inexpensive as far as professional design
tools go. **Stepping off the soapbox** On a Sketchup-related note – I haven’t mentioned
this on [bldg-sim] yet, but Sketchup-savvy users using a version with .dwg
export support can actually export their models into AGI32 for photometric and
rendering lighting/daylight studies after a little work in CAD to ensure a
clean import. I might write up an illustrated guide or post the full
scoop here at some point in the future, but for those interested in learning
immediately I’ll just say to head over to the AGI32 forums to find a lengthy
post (intended to troubleshoot other AGI32-specific issues) where I composed a
pretty decent outline of the process to start. ~Nick NICK CATON, E.I.T. PROJECT ENGINEER 25501 west valley parkway olathe ks 66061 direct 913 344.0036 fax 913 345.0617 Check out our new web-site @ From: bldg-sim-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:bldg-sim-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Kevin Kyte Free sketchup is not going to support dwg importing for much
longer. From: Jackson, Alan
[mailto:ajackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] In what sense? If you mean it doesn’t have every single capability of
modeling like the IDF or Text editor would, yes. But nothing does. It’s
hard to keep up with the E+ developer cycle ;-) If you mean it doesn’t run off Energyplus 3.0. It does. I don’t use it because it’s too expensive. I prefer
OpenStudio and the IDF Editor/Textpad because you have access to all the
capabilities that E+ has to offer, but it took me years to become even semi
comfortable (read: confident) with modeling through a txt file. Either way maybe this should be moved over to BLDG-SIM. Alan Jackson, LEED AP From: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Emanuele Naboni Yes, but Hevacomp does not have the
capabilities of EnergyPlus. -- 2009/10/29 Jackson, Alan <ajackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> You
should look into Hevacomp which is being revamped for the US. Alan
Jackson, LEED AP From: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
On Behalf Of Josh K Hello; On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 7:14 AM, bcavallier
The primary EnergyPlus web site is found at: The group web site is: Attachments are currently allowed but be mindful that not everyone has a high speed connection. Limit attachments to small files. EnergyPlus Documentation is searchable. Open EPlusMainMenu.pdf under the Documentation link and press the "search" button.
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