You increased the heating set point above the cooling set point. The cooling set point must be higher than the heating set point. Raise both temperatures.
On 11/4/2011 2:40 AM, ask_ami wrote:Hi All,
I am working on a DOE prototype building(medium office). I created a new cooling set point schedule and assigned it at Thermostatsetpoint:DualSetpoint. In the new schedule I have just increased the set point temperature in stepped pattern by total 3.3 deg. C for 3 peak hous for a peak summer day. Remaining schedule is not changed. I am running this simulation for just that peak day. But after this change I got a severe error and my simulation terminated. The error is:
** Severe ** DualSetPointWithDeadBand: Effective heating set-point higher than effective cooling set-point - increase deadband if using unmixed air model
** ~~~ ** occurs in Zone=CORE_BOTTOM During Warmup, Environment=Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl Ap AZ USA TMY3 WMO#=722780, at Simulation time=06/28 00:00 - 00:10
** ~~~ ** LoadToHeatingSetPoint=-41431.055, LoadToCoolingSetPoint=-125592.948
** ~~~ ** Zone TempDepZnLd=429.02
** ~~~ ** Zone TempIndZnLd=11375.49
** ~~~ ** Zone ThermostatSetPoint=0.00
** ~~~ ** Zone HeatingSetPointOffset=0.00
** ~~~ ** Zone CoolingSetPointOffset=0.00
** Fatal ** Program terminates due to above conditions.
Can somebody please explain me where did I go wrong?
-- Richard A. Raustad Senior Research Engineer Florida Solar Energy Center University of Central Florida 1679 Clearlake Road Cocoa, FL 32922-5703 Phone: (321) 638-1454 Fax: (321) 638-1439 or 1010 Visit our web site at: UCF - From Promise to Prominence: Celebrating 40 Years
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