Let me explain the problem I'm having.
Bucause I want to compare the results of the sumulation with measured data, I would like tu use real-time data. I already have real-time weather data for Bogota for the last month, but this data is flawed because all the values of solar radiation, diffuse and direct, are "0" Cero. That means there are no solar gains in the model.
When using the typical year data from the IWEC file, I get a result very similar to reality, but there are days when the max. temperature and min. temperature of the zones are too high or too low.
I don't know what else to do in order to get weather data for the month of November 2011. Would you recommend using the IWEC file?
Thanks for your help.
--- In
EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Linda Lawrie <linda@...> wrote:
> THere is already a IWEC file for Bogota on the main website:
> If you insist on a Meteonorm file -- feel free to contact Meteonorm
> yourself.
> On Tue, 29 Nov 2011 01:55:07 -0000, juaneco_2710 wrote:
> > Where can I get the Meteonorm file for Bogota, Colombia?
> >
> > Name of Location (including country) = BOGOTA (COL)
> > Latitude (N+/S-)(decimal format preferred) = 4.59 NORTH
> > Longitude (E+/W-)(decimal format preferred)= 73.07 W
> > Time Zone (+/- GMT) =-5.00
> > Elevation (meters) = 2548 M
> >