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[EnergyPlus_Support] Incorrect Floor and Roof drawing (dxf)

Hi All,

I am facing a problem where my building walls out put correct, however floor and roof are going wrong. I checked all possibilities such as reversing coordinates, chnaging vertex order from anti clok to clockwise, I still couln't fix this problem. The same geometry was output correct in EnergyPlus5, but not in EnergyPlus 6 or 7. Can anyone shed some ideas on it, please.

Thanks & regards

Here is the complete IDF V.6

!-Generator IDFEditor 1.38a
!-Option SortedOrder

!-NOTE: All comments with '!-' are ignored by the IDFEditor and are generated automatically.
!-      Use '!' comments if they need to be retained when using the IDFEditor.

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: VERSION ===========

    6.0;                     !- Version Identifier

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SIMULATIONCONTROL ===========

    Yes,                     !- Do Zone Sizing Calculation
    Yes,                     !- Do System Sizing Calculation
    Yes,                     !- Do Plant Sizing Calculation
    No,                      !- Run Simulation for Sizing Periods
    Yes;                     !- Run Simulation for Weather File Run Periods

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: BUILDING ===========

    Building1,               !- Name
    ,                        !- North Axis {deg}
    ,                        !- Terrain
    0.04,                    !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value
    0.4,                     !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value {deltaC}
    ,                        !- Solar Distribution
    ;                        !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SHADOWCALCULATION ===========

    ;                        !- Calculation Frequency


    ;                        !- Algorithm


    ;                        !- Algorithm


    ;                        !- Algorithm

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: TIMESTEP ===========

    1;                       !- Number of Timesteps per Hour

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SITE:LOCATION ===========

    City,                    !- Name
    0,                       !- Latitude {deg}
    0,                       !- Longitude {deg}
    0,                       !- Time Zone {hr}
    0;                       !- Elevation {m}


    WinterDD,                !- Name
    -12.3,                   !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
    0,                       !- Daily Temperature Range {deltaC}
    -12.3,                   !- Humidity Indicating Conditions at Maximum Dry-Bulb
    100547,                  !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
    4,                       !- Wind Speed {m/s}
    330,                     !- Wind Direction {deg}
    0,                       !- Sky Clearness
    0,                       !- Rain Indicator
    0,                       !- Snow Indicator
    21,                      !- Day of Month
    1,                       !- Month
    WinterDesignDay,         !- Day Type
    0,                       !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
    WetBulb;                 !- Humidity Indicating Type

    SummerDD,                !- Name
    33.6,                    !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
    10,                      !- Daily Temperature Range {deltaC}
    23.6,                    !- Humidity Indicating Conditions at Maximum Dry-Bulb
    100547,                  !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
    4.7,                     !- Wind Speed {m/s}
    250,                     !- Wind Direction {deg}
    1,                       !- Sky Clearness
    0,                       !- Rain Indicator
    0,                       !- Snow Indicator
    21,                      !- Day of Month
    7,                       !- Month
    SummerDesignDay,         !- Day Type
    0,                       !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
    WetBulb;                 !- Humidity Indicating Type

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: RUNPERIOD ===========

    RP,                      !- Name
    1,                       !- Begin Month
    1,                       !- Begin Day of Month
    12,                      !- End Month
    31,                      !- End Day of Month
    ,                        !- Day of Week for Start Day
    ,                        !- Use Weather File Holidays and Special Days
    ,                        !- Use Weather File Daylight Saving Period
    ,                        !- Apply Weekend Holiday Rule
    ,                        !- Use Weather File Rain Indicators
    ;                        !- Use Weather File Snow Indicators

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SCHEDULETYPELIMITS ===========

    Fraction,                !- Name
    0,                       !- Lower Limit Value
    1,                       !- Upper Limit Value
    Continuous;              !- Numeric Type

    AnyNumber;               !- Name

    OnOff,                   !- Name
    0,                       !- Lower Limit Value
    1,                       !- Upper Limit Value
    Discrete;                !- Numeric Type

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SCHEDULE:COMPACT ===========

    DefaultAlwaysOn,         !- Name
    OnOff,                   !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays ,           !- Field 2
    Until: 24:0,             !- Field 3
    1;                       !- Field 4

    Occupancy week day schedule,  !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Weekends Holiday ,  !- Field 2
    Until: 1:0,              !- Field 3
    0,                       !- Field 4
    Until: 2:0,              !- Field 5
    0,                       !- Field 6
    Until: 3:0,              !- Field 7
    0,                       !- Field 8
    Until: 4:0,              !- Field 9
    0,                       !- Field 10
    Until: 5:0,              !- Field 11
    0,                       !- Field 12
    Until: 6:0,              !- Field 13
    0,                       !- Field 14
    Until: 7:0,              !- Field 15
    0.5,                     !- Field 16
    Until: 8:0,              !- Field 17
    0.5,                     !- Field 18
    Until: 9:0,              !- Field 19
    0.9,                     !- Field 20
    Until: 10:0,             !- Field 21
    0.9,                     !- Field 22
    Until: 11:0,             !- Field 23
    0.9,                     !- Field 24
    Until: 12:0,             !- Field 25
    0.9,                     !- Field 26
    Until: 13:0,             !- Field 27
    0.9,                     !- Field 28
    Until: 14:0,             !- Field 29
    0.9,                     !- Field 30
    Until: 15:0,             !- Field 31
    0.9,                     !- Field 32
    Until: 16:0,             !- Field 33
    0.9,                     !- Field 34
    Until: 17:0,             !- Field 35
    0.9,                     !- Field 36
    Until: 18:0,             !- Field 37
    0.9,                     !- Field 38
    Until: 19:0,             !- Field 39
    0.9,                     !- Field 40
    Until: 20:0,             !- Field 41
    0.9,                     !- Field 42
    Until: 21:0,             !- Field 43
    0,                       !- Field 44
    Until: 22:0,             !- Field 45
    0,                       !- Field 46
    Until: 23:0,             !- Field 47
    0,                       !- Field 48
    Until: 24:0,             !- Field 49
    0,                       !- Field 50
    For: Weekdays ,          !- Field 51
    Until: 1:0,              !- Field 52
    0,                       !- Field 53
    Until: 2:0,              !- Field 54
    0,                       !- Field 55
    Until: 3:0,              !- Field 56
    0,                       !- Field 57
    Until: 4:0,              !- Field 58
    0,                       !- Field 59
    Until: 5:0,              !- Field 60
    0,                       !- Field 61
    Until: 6:0,              !- Field 62
    0,                       !- Field 63
    Until: 7:0,              !- Field 64
    0.5,                     !- Field 65
    Until: 8:0,              !- Field 66
    0.5,                     !- Field 67
    Until: 9:0,              !- Field 68
    0.9,                     !- Field 69
    Until: 10:0,             !- Field 70
    0.9,                     !- Field 71
    Until: 11:0,             !- Field 72
    0.9,                     !- Field 73
    Until: 12:0,             !- Field 74
    0.9,                     !- Field 75
    Until: 13:0,             !- Field 76
    0.9,                     !- Field 77
    Until: 14:0,             !- Field 78
    0.9,                     !- Field 79
    Until: 15:0,             !- Field 80
    0.9,                     !- Field 81
    Until: 16:0,             !- Field 82
    0.9,                     !- Field 83
    Until: 17:0,             !- Field 84
    0.9,                     !- Field 85
    Until: 18:0,             !- Field 86
    0.9,                     !- Field 87
    Until: 19:0,             !- Field 88
    0.9,                     !- Field 89
    Until: 20:0,             !- Field 90
    0.9,                     !- Field 91
    Until: 21:0,             !- Field 92
    0,                       !- Field 93
    Until: 22:0,             !- Field 94
    0,                       !- Field 95
    Until: 23:0,             !- Field 96
    0,                       !- Field 97
    Until: 24:0,             !- Field 98
    0;                       !- Field 99

    PeopleOfficeActivity,    !- Name
    AnyNumber,               !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays ,           !- Field 2
    Until: 24:0,             !- Field 3
    131.8;                   !- Field 4

    Interior lighting weekday schedule,  !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Weekends Holiday ,  !- Field 2
    Until: 1:0,              !- Field 3
    0.01,                    !- Field 4
    Until: 2:0,              !- Field 5
    0.01,                    !- Field 6
    Until: 3:0,              !- Field 7
    0.01,                    !- Field 8
    Until: 4:0,              !- Field 9
    0.01,                    !- Field 10
    Until: 5:0,              !- Field 11
    0.01,                    !- Field 12
    Until: 6:0,              !- Field 13
    0.01,                    !- Field 14
    Until: 7:0,              !- Field 15
    0.5,                     !- Field 16
    Until: 8:0,              !- Field 17
    0.5,                     !- Field 18
    Until: 9:0,              !- Field 19
    0.9,                     !- Field 20
    Until: 10:0,             !- Field 21
    0.9,                     !- Field 22
    Until: 11:0,             !- Field 23
    0.9,                     !- Field 24
    Until: 12:0,             !- Field 25
    0.9,                     !- Field 26
    Until: 13:0,             !- Field 27
    0.9,                     !- Field 28
    Until: 14:0,             !- Field 29
    0.9,                     !- Field 30
    Until: 15:0,             !- Field 31
    0.9,                     !- Field 32
    Until: 16:0,             !- Field 33
    0.9,                     !- Field 34
    Until: 17:0,             !- Field 35
    0.9,                     !- Field 36
    Until: 18:0,             !- Field 37
    0.9,                     !- Field 38
    Until: 19:0,             !- Field 39
    0.9,                     !- Field 40
    Until: 20:0,             !- Field 41
    0.9,                     !- Field 42
    Until: 21:0,             !- Field 43
    0.01,                    !- Field 44
    Until: 22:0,             !- Field 45
    0.01,                    !- Field 46
    Until: 23:0,             !- Field 47
    0.01,                    !- Field 48
    Until: 24:0,             !- Field 49
    0.01,                    !- Field 50
    For: Weekdays ,          !- Field 51
    Until: 1:0,              !- Field 52
    0.01,                    !- Field 53
    Until: 2:0,              !- Field 54
    0.01,                    !- Field 55
    Until: 3:0,              !- Field 56
    0.01,                    !- Field 57
    Until: 4:0,              !- Field 58
    0.01,                    !- Field 59
    Until: 5:0,              !- Field 60
    0.01,                    !- Field 61
    Until: 6:0,              !- Field 62
    0.01,                    !- Field 63
    Until: 7:0,              !- Field 64
    0.5,                     !- Field 65
    Until: 8:0,              !- Field 66
    0.5,                     !- Field 67
    Until: 9:0,              !- Field 68
    0.9,                     !- Field 69
    Until: 10:0,             !- Field 70
    0.9,                     !- Field 71
    Until: 11:0,             !- Field 72
    0.9,                     !- Field 73
    Until: 12:0,             !- Field 74
    0.9,                     !- Field 75
    Until: 13:0,             !- Field 76
    0.9,                     !- Field 77
    Until: 14:0,             !- Field 78
    0.9,                     !- Field 79
    Until: 15:0,             !- Field 80
    0.9,                     !- Field 81
    Until: 16:0,             !- Field 82
    0.9,                     !- Field 83
    Until: 17:0,             !- Field 84
    0.9,                     !- Field 85
    Until: 18:0,             !- Field 86
    0.9,                     !- Field 87
    Until: 19:0,             !- Field 88
    0.9,                     !- Field 89
    Until: 20:0,             !- Field 90
    0.9,                     !- Field 91
    Until: 21:0,             !- Field 92
    0.01,                    !- Field 93
    Until: 22:0,             !- Field 94
    0.01,                    !- Field 95
    Until: 23:0,             !- Field 96
    0.01,                    !- Field 97
    Until: 24:0,             !- Field 98
    0.01;                    !- Field 99

    Equipment schedule weekday,  !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Weekends Holiday ,  !- Field 2
    Until: 1:0,              !- Field 3
    0.05,                    !- Field 4
    Until: 2:0,              !- Field 5
    0.05,                    !- Field 6
    Until: 3:0,              !- Field 7
    0.05,                    !- Field 8
    Until: 4:0,              !- Field 9
    0.05,                    !- Field 10
    Until: 5:0,              !- Field 11
    0.05,                    !- Field 12
    Until: 6:0,              !- Field 13
    0.05,                    !- Field 14
    Until: 7:0,              !- Field 15
    0.5,                     !- Field 16
    Until: 8:0,              !- Field 17
    0.5,                     !- Field 18
    Until: 9:0,              !- Field 19
    0.9,                     !- Field 20
    Until: 10:0,             !- Field 21
    0.9,                     !- Field 22
    Until: 11:0,             !- Field 23
    0.9,                     !- Field 24
    Until: 12:0,             !- Field 25
    0.9,                     !- Field 26
    Until: 13:0,             !- Field 27
    0.9,                     !- Field 28
    Until: 14:0,             !- Field 29
    0.9,                     !- Field 30
    Until: 15:0,             !- Field 31
    0.9,                     !- Field 32
    Until: 16:0,             !- Field 33
    0.9,                     !- Field 34
    Until: 17:0,             !- Field 35
    0.9,                     !- Field 36
    Until: 18:0,             !- Field 37
    0.9,                     !- Field 38
    Until: 19:0,             !- Field 39
    0.9,                     !- Field 40
    Until: 20:0,             !- Field 41
    0.9,                     !- Field 42
    Until: 21:0,             !- Field 43
    0.05,                    !- Field 44
    Until: 22:0,             !- Field 45
    0.05,                    !- Field 46
    Until: 23:0,             !- Field 47
    0.05,                    !- Field 48
    Until: 24:0,             !- Field 49
    0.05,                    !- Field 50
    For: Weekdays ,          !- Field 51
    Until: 1:0,              !- Field 52
    0.05,                    !- Field 53
    Until: 2:0,              !- Field 54
    0.05,                    !- Field 55
    Until: 3:0,              !- Field 56
    0.05,                    !- Field 57
    Until: 4:0,              !- Field 58
    0.05,                    !- Field 59
    Until: 5:0,              !- Field 60
    0.05,                    !- Field 61
    Until: 6:0,              !- Field 62
    0.05,                    !- Field 63
    Until: 7:0,              !- Field 64
    0.5,                     !- Field 65
    Until: 8:0,              !- Field 66
    0.5,                     !- Field 67
    Until: 9:0,              !- Field 68
    0.9,                     !- Field 69
    Until: 10:0,             !- Field 70
    0.9,                     !- Field 71
    Until: 11:0,             !- Field 72
    0.9,                     !- Field 73
    Until: 12:0,             !- Field 74
    0.9,                     !- Field 75
    Until: 13:0,             !- Field 76
    0.9,                     !- Field 77
    Until: 14:0,             !- Field 78
    0.9,                     !- Field 79
    Until: 15:0,             !- Field 80
    0.9,                     !- Field 81
    Until: 16:0,             !- Field 82
    0.9,                     !- Field 83
    Until: 17:0,             !- Field 84
    0.9,                     !- Field 85
    Until: 18:0,             !- Field 86
    0.9,                     !- Field 87
    Until: 19:0,             !- Field 88
    0.9,                     !- Field 89
    Until: 20:0,             !- Field 90
    0.9,                     !- Field 91
    Until: 21:0,             !- Field 92
    0.05,                    !- Field 93
    Until: 22:0,             !- Field 94
    0.05,                    !- Field 95
    Until: 23:0,             !- Field 96
    0.05,                    !- Field 97
    Until: 24:0,             !- Field 98
    0.05;                    !- Field 99

    Exterior lighting schedule weekday,  !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Weekends Holiday ,  !- Field 2
    Until: 1:0,              !- Field 3
    1,                       !- Field 4
    Until: 2:0,              !- Field 5
    1,                       !- Field 6
    Until: 3:0,              !- Field 7
    1,                       !- Field 8
    Until: 4:0,              !- Field 9
    1,                       !- Field 10
    Until: 5:0,              !- Field 11
    1,                       !- Field 12
    Until: 6:0,              !- Field 13
    1,                       !- Field 14
    Until: 7:0,              !- Field 15
    0,                       !- Field 16
    Until: 8:0,              !- Field 17
    0,                       !- Field 18
    Until: 9:0,              !- Field 19
    0,                       !- Field 20
    Until: 10:0,             !- Field 21
    0,                       !- Field 22
    Until: 11:0,             !- Field 23
    0,                       !- Field 24
    Until: 12:0,             !- Field 25
    0,                       !- Field 26
    Until: 13:0,             !- Field 27
    0,                       !- Field 28
    Until: 14:0,             !- Field 29
    0,                       !- Field 30
    Until: 15:0,             !- Field 31
    0,                       !- Field 32
    Until: 16:0,             !- Field 33
    0,                       !- Field 34
    Until: 17:0,             !- Field 35
    0,                       !- Field 36
    Until: 18:0,             !- Field 37
    0,                       !- Field 38
    Until: 19:0,             !- Field 39
    0,                       !- Field 40
    Until: 20:0,             !- Field 41
    0,                       !- Field 42
    Until: 21:0,             !- Field 43
    1,                       !- Field 44
    Until: 22:0,             !- Field 45
    1,                       !- Field 46
    Until: 23:0,             !- Field 47
    1,                       !- Field 48
    Until: 24:0,             !- Field 49
    1,                       !- Field 50
    For: Weekdays ,          !- Field 51
    Until: 1:0,              !- Field 52
    1,                       !- Field 53
    Until: 2:0,              !- Field 54
    1,                       !- Field 55
    Until: 3:0,              !- Field 56
    1,                       !- Field 57
    Until: 4:0,              !- Field 58
    1,                       !- Field 59
    Until: 5:0,              !- Field 60
    1,                       !- Field 61
    Until: 6:0,              !- Field 62
    1,                       !- Field 63
    Until: 7:0,              !- Field 64
    0,                       !- Field 65
    Until: 8:0,              !- Field 66
    0,                       !- Field 67
    Until: 9:0,              !- Field 68
    0,                       !- Field 69
    Until: 10:0,             !- Field 70
    0,                       !- Field 71
    Until: 11:0,             !- Field 72
    0,                       !- Field 73
    Until: 12:0,             !- Field 74
    0,                       !- Field 75
    Until: 13:0,             !- Field 76
    0,                       !- Field 77
    Until: 14:0,             !- Field 78
    0,                       !- Field 79
    Until: 15:0,             !- Field 80
    0,                       !- Field 81
    Until: 16:0,             !- Field 82
    0,                       !- Field 83
    Until: 17:0,             !- Field 84
    0,                       !- Field 85
    Until: 18:0,             !- Field 86
    0,                       !- Field 87
    Until: 19:0,             !- Field 88
    0,                       !- Field 89
    Until: 20:0,             !- Field 90
    0,                       !- Field 91
    Until: 21:0,             !- Field 92
    1,                       !- Field 93
    Until: 22:0,             !- Field 94
    1,                       !- Field 95
    Until: 23:0,             !- Field 96
    1,                       !- Field 97
    Until: 24:0,             !- Field 98
    1;                       !- Field 99

    AirSideSystemAvailability,  !- Name
    OnOff,                   !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays ,           !- Field 2
    Until: 6:0,              !- Field 3
    0,                       !- Field 4
    Until: 20:0,             !- Field 5
    1,                       !- Field 6
    Until: 24:0,             !- Field 7
    0;                       !- Field 8

    CoolingSchedule,         !- Name
    AnyNumber,               !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays ,           !- Field 2
    Until: 6:0,              !- Field 3
    32.2222222222222,        !- Field 4
    Until: 20:0,             !- Field 5
    22.7777777777778,        !- Field 6
    Until: 24:0,             !- Field 7
    32.2222222222222;        !- Field 8

    HeatingSchedule,         !- Name
    AnyNumber,               !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays ,           !- Field 2
    Until: 6:0,              !- Field 3
    12.7777777777778,        !- Field 4
    Until: 20:0,             !- Field 5
    21.6666666666667,        !- Field 6
    Until: 24:0,             !- Field 7
    12.7777777777778;        !- Field 8

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: MATERIAL ===========

    Stucco1IN,               !- Name
    Smooth,                  !- Roughness
    0.012,                   !- Thickness {m}
    0.6918,                  !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    1858,                    !- Density {kg/m3}
    837,                     !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.92,                    !- Solar Absorptance
    0.92;                    !- Visible Absorptance

    ConcreteHW8IN,           !- Name
    MediumRough,             !- Roughness
    0.099,                   !- Thickness {m}
    1.7296,                  !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    2243,                    !- Density {kg/m3}
    837,                     !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.65,                    !- Solar Absorptance
    0.65;                    !- Visible Absorptance

    WallInsulation,          !- Name
    MediumRough,             !- Roughness
    0.05645,                 !- Thickness {m}
    0.0432,                  !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    91,                      !- Density {kg/m3}
    837,                     !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.5,                     !- Solar Absorptance
    0.5;                     !- Visible Absorptance

    Gypsum,                  !- Name
    Smooth,                  !- Roughness
    0.0127,                  !- Thickness {m}
    0.16,                    !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    784.9,                   !- Density {kg/m3}
    830,                     !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.92,                    !- Solar Absorptance
    0.92;                    !- Visible Absorptance

    GP01GYPSUM,              !- Name
    Smooth,                  !- Roughness
    0.0127,                  !- Thickness {m}
    0.16,                    !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    800,                     !- Density {kg/m3}
    1090,                    !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                     !- Solar Absorptance
    0.5;                     !- Visible Absorptance

    RoofMembrane,            !- Name
    VeryRough,               !- Roughness
    0.0095,                  !- Thickness {m}
    0.16,                    !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    1121.29,                 !- Density {kg/m3}
    1460,                    !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                     !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                     !- Visible Absorptance

    RoofInsulation,          !- Name
    MediumRough,             !- Roughness
    0.124,                   !- Thickness {m}
    0.049,                   !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    265,                     !- Density {kg/m3}
    836.8,                   !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                     !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                     !- Visible Absorptance

    MetalDecking,            !- Name
    MediumSmooth,            !- Roughness
    0.0015,                  !- Thickness {m}
    45.006,                  !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    7680,                    !- Density {kg/m3}
    418.4,                   !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                     !- Solar Absorptance
    0.3;                     !- Visible Absorptance

    StdMATCC054MWCONCRETE,   !- Name
    Rough,                   !- Roughness
    0.1,                     !- Thickness {m}
    0.858,                   !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    1968,                    !- Density {kg/m3}
    836.8,                   !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                     !- Solar Absorptance
    0.2;                     !- Visible Absorptance

    MATCC058HWCONCRETE,      !- Name
    Rough,                   !- Roughness
    0.2032,                  !- Thickness {m}
    1.311,                   !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    2240,                    !- Density {kg/m3}
    836.8,                   !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                     !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                     !- Visible Absorptance

    StdWood6inch,            !- Name
    MediumSmooth,            !- Roughness
    0.15,                    !- Thickness {m}
    0.12,                    !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    540,                     !- Density {kg/m3}
    1210,                    !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                     !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                     !- Visible Absorptance

    In35,                    !- Name
    Rough,                   !- Roughness
    0.050799999,             !- Thickness {m}
    0.035,                   !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    29,                      !- Density {kg/m3}
    1213,                    !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.5,                     !- Solar Absorptance
    0.5;                     !- Visible Absorptance

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: MATERIAL:NOMASS ===========

    StdCP02CARPETPAD,        !- Name
    VeryRough,               !- Roughness
    0.21648,                 !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                     !- Solar Absorptance
    0.8;                     !- Visible Absorptance

    CP02CARPETPAD,           !- Name
    VeryRough,               !- Roughness
    0.2165,                  !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                     !- Solar Absorptance
    0.8;                     !- Visible Absorptance


    TheoreticalGlass,        !- Name
    7,                       !- U-Factor {W/m2-K}
    0.249;                   !- Solar Heat Gain Coefficient

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CONSTRUCTION ===========

    Construct_Floor,         !- Name
    StdMATCC054MWCONCRETE,   !- Outside Layer
    StdCP02CARPETPAD;        !- Layer 2

    Construct_ExterierWall,  !- Name
    Stucco1IN,               !- Outside Layer
    ConcreteHW8IN,           !- Layer 2
    Gypsum;                  !- Layer 3

    Construct_InterierWall,  !- Name
    GP01GYPSUM,              !- Outside Layer
    GP01GYPSUM;              !- Layer 2

    Construct_Ceiling,       !- Name
    CP02CARPETPAD,           !- Outside Layer
    MATCC058HWCONCRETE;      !- Layer 2

    Construct_Roof,          !- Name
    RoofMembrane,            !- Outside Layer
    RoofInsulation,          !- Layer 2
    MetalDecking;            !- Layer 3

    Construct_InternalMass,  !- Name
    StdWood6inch;            !- Outside Layer

    Construct_WINDOW,        !- Name
    TheoreticalGlass;        !- Outside Layer


    LowerLeftCorner,         !- Starting Vertex Position
    Counterclockwise,        !- Vertex Entry Direction
    Relative,                !- Coordinate System
    Relative,                !- Daylighting Reference Point Coordinate System
    Relative;                !- Rectangular Surface Coordinate System

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ZONE ===========

    Zone_1,                  !- Name
    ,                        !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
    0,                       !- X Origin {m}
    0,                       !- Y Origin {m}
    0;                       !- Z Origin {m}


    Zone_1Floor,             !- Name
    Floor,                   !- Surface Type
    Construct_Floor,         !- Construction Name
    Zone_1,                  !- Zone Name
    Ground,                  !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    ,                        !- View Factor to Ground
    12,                      !- Number of Vertices
    -37.4999282479636,       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.5000596052537,       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.4998560302497,       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.4995517736283,       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.500247152548,        !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    -12.5002202030691,       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.500247156774,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    -12.500220198843,        !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.4998560378564,        !- Vertex 5 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.4995517710927,       !- Vertex 5 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 5 Z-coordinate {m}
    37.4999282479636,        !- Vertex 6 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.5000596052537,       !- Vertex 6 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 6 Z-coordinate {m}
    37.500062206978,         !- Vertex 7 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4999256462301,        !- Vertex 7 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 7 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.4998366788769,        !- Vertex 8 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4995582240832,        !- Vertex 8 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 8 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.5002148910978,        !- Vertex 9 X-coordinate {m}
    12.5002524645056,        !- Vertex 9 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 9 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.5002148868717,       !- Vertex 10 X-coordinate {m}
    12.5002524687316,        !- Vertex 10 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 10 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.4998366712703,       !- Vertex 11 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4995582266187,        !- Vertex 11 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 11 Z-coordinate {m}
    -37.500062206978,        !- Vertex 12 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4999256462301,        !- Vertex 12 Y-coordinate {m}
    0;                       !- Vertex 12 Z-coordinate {m}

    Zone_1Roof,              !- Name
    Roof,                    !- Surface Type
    Construct_Roof,          !- Construction Name
    Zone_1,                  !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    ,                        !- View Factor to Ground
    12,                      !- Number of Vertices
    -37.4999282479636,       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.5000596052537,       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.4998560302497,       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.4995517736283,       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.500247152548,        !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    -12.5002202030691,       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.500247156774,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    -12.500220198843,        !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.4998560378564,        !- Vertex 5 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.4995517710927,       !- Vertex 5 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 5 Z-coordinate {m}
    37.4999282479636,        !- Vertex 6 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.5000596052537,       !- Vertex 6 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 6 Z-coordinate {m}
    37.500062206978,         !- Vertex 7 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4999256462301,        !- Vertex 7 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 7 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.4998366788769,        !- Vertex 8 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4995582240832,        !- Vertex 8 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 8 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.5002148910978,        !- Vertex 9 X-coordinate {m}
    12.5002524645056,        !- Vertex 9 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 9 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.5002148868717,       !- Vertex 10 X-coordinate {m}
    12.5002524687316,        !- Vertex 10 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 10 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.4998366712703,       !- Vertex 11 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4995582266187,        !- Vertex 11 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 11 Z-coordinate {m}
    -37.500062206978,        !- Vertex 12 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4999256462301,        !- Vertex 12 Y-coordinate {m}
    5;                       !- Vertex 12 Z-coordinate {m}

    Zone_1Wall_1,            !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Construct_ExterierWall,  !- Construction Name
    Zone_1,                  !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    ,                        !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -37.4999282479636,       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.5000596052537,       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.4998560302497,       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.4995517736283,       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.4998560302497,       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.4995517736283,       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -37.4999282479636,       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.5000596052537,       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    5;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Zone_1Wall_2,            !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Construct_ExterierWall,  !- Construction Name
    Zone_1,                  !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    ,                        !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -12.4998560302497,       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.4995517736283,       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.500247152548,        !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    -12.5002202030691,       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.500247152548,        !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    -12.5002202030691,       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.4998560302497,       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.4995517736283,       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    5;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Zone_1Wall_3,            !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Construct_ExterierWall,  !- Construction Name
    Zone_1,                  !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    ,                        !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -12.500247152548,        !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    -12.5002202030691,       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.500247156774,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    -12.500220198843,        !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.500247156774,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    -12.500220198843,        !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.500247152548,        !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    -12.5002202030691,       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    5;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Zone_1Wall_4,            !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Construct_ExterierWall,  !- Construction Name
    Zone_1,                  !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    ,                        !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    12.500247156774,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    -12.500220198843,        !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.4998560378564,        !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.4995517710927,       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.4998560378564,        !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.4995517710927,       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.500247156774,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    -12.500220198843,        !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    5;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Zone_1Wall_5,            !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Construct_ExterierWall,  !- Construction Name
    Zone_1,                  !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    ,                        !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    12.4998560378564,        !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.4995517710927,       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    37.4999282479636,        !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.5000596052537,       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    37.4999282479636,        !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.5000596052537,       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.4998560378564,        !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.4995517710927,       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    5;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Zone_1Wall_6,            !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Construct_ExterierWall,  !- Construction Name
    Zone_1,                  !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    ,                        !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    37.4999282479636,        !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.5000596052537,       !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    37.500062206978,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4999256462301,        !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    37.500062206978,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4999256462301,        !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    37.4999282479636,        !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.5000596052537,       !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    5;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Zone_1Wall_7,            !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Construct_ExterierWall,  !- Construction Name
    Zone_1,                  !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    ,                        !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    37.500062206978,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4999256462301,        !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.4998366788769,        !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4995582240832,        !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.4998366788769,        !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4995582240832,        !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    37.500062206978,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4999256462301,        !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    5;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Zone_1Wall_8,            !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Construct_ExterierWall,  !- Construction Name
    Zone_1,                  !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    ,                        !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    12.4998366788769,        !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4995582240832,        !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.5002148910978,        !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    12.5002524645056,        !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.5002148910978,        !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    12.5002524645056,        !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.4998366788769,        !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4995582240832,        !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    5;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Zone_1Wall_9,            !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Construct_ExterierWall,  !- Construction Name
    Zone_1,                  !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    ,                        !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    12.5002148910978,        !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    12.5002524645056,        !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.5002148868717,       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    12.5002524687316,        !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.5002148868717,       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    12.5002524687316,        !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    12.5002148910978,        !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    12.5002524645056,        !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    5;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Zone_1Wall_10,           !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Construct_ExterierWall,  !- Construction Name
    Zone_1,                  !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    ,                        !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -12.5002148868717,       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    12.5002524687316,        !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.4998366712703,       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4995582266187,        !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.4998366712703,       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4995582266187,        !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.5002148868717,       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    12.5002524687316,        !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    5;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Zone_1Wall_11,           !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Construct_ExterierWall,  !- Construction Name
    Zone_1,                  !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    ,                        !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -12.4998366712703,       !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4995582266187,        !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -37.500062206978,        !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4999256462301,        !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -37.500062206978,        !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4999256462301,        !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -12.4998366712703,       !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4995582266187,        !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    5;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Zone_1Wall_12,           !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Construct_ExterierWall,  !- Construction Name
    Zone_1,                  !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    ,                        !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -37.500062206978,        !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4999256462301,        !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -37.4999282479636,       !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.5000596052537,       !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0,                       !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -37.4999282479636,       !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    -37.5000596052537,       !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    5,                       !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -37.500062206978,        !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    37.4999256462301,        !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    5;                       !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: PEOPLE ===========

    Zone_1People,            !- Name
    Zone_1,                  !- Zone or ZoneList Name
    Occupancy week day schedule,  !- Number of People Schedule Name
    People,                  !- Number of People Calculation Method
    370,                     !- Number of People
    ,                        !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
    ,                        !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
    0.7,                     !- Fraction Radiant
    ,                        !- Sensible Heat Fraction
    PeopleOfficeActivity;    !- Activity Level Schedule Name

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: LIGHTS ===========

    Zone_1Lights,            !- Name
    Zone_1,                  !- Zone or ZoneList Name
    Interior lighting weekday schedule,  !- Schedule Name
    LightingLevel,           !- Design Level Calculation Method
    40012,                   !- Lighting Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0,                       !- Return Air Fraction
    0.72,                    !- Fraction Radiant
    0.18,                    !- Fraction Visible
    0;                       !- Fraction Replaceable

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ELECTRICEQUIPMENT ===========

    Zone_1Equip,             !- Name
    Zone_1,                  !- Zone or ZoneList Name
    Equipment schedule weekday,  !- Schedule Name
    Watts/Area,              !- Design Level Calculation Method
    ,                        !- Design Level {W}
    8.07,                    !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0,                       !- Fraction Latent
    0.3,                     !- Fraction Radiant
    0;                       !- Fraction Lost

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: EXTERIOR:LIGHTS ===========

    Exterior lighting,       !- Name
    Exterior lighting schedule weekday,  !- Schedule Name
    5.4;                     !- Design Level {W}


    AllZoneThermostat,       !- Name
    HeatingSchedule,         !- Heating Setpoint Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Constant Heating Setpoint {C}
    CoolingSchedule,         !- Cooling Setpoint Schedule Name
    ;                        !- Constant Cooling Setpoint {C}

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: HVACTEMPLATE:ZONE:VAV ===========

    Zone_1,                  !- Zone Name
    AHU,                     !- Template VAV System Name
    AllZoneThermostat,       !- Template Thermostat Name
    ,                        !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
    ,                        !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
    ,                        !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
    ,                        !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    ,                        !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
    Flow/Area,               !- Outdoor Air Method
    ,                        !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
    0.0025,                  !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
    Electric,                !- Reheat Coil Type
    ,                        !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Damper Heating Action
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
    ,                        !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
    ,                        !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
    ,                        !- Supply Plenum Name
    ,                        !- Return Plenum Name
    ,                        !- Baseboard Heating Type
    ,                        !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
    ;                        !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}


    AHU,                     !- Name
    AirSideSystemAvailability,  !- System Availability Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Supply Fan Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Supply Fan Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Supply Fan Placement
    ,                        !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
    ,                        !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
    ,                        !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
    ,                        !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
    TwoSpeedDX,              !- Cooling Coil Type
    ,                        !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
    12.7777777777778,        !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
    ,                        !- Cooling Coil Capacity {W}
    ,                        !- Cooling Coil Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
    2.5,                     !- Cooling Coil Rated COP
    ,                        !- Heating Coil Type
    ,                        !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
    ,                        !- Heating Coil Capacity {W}
    ,                        !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
    ,                        !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
    ,                        !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Minimum Outdoor Air Control Type
    ,                        !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
    FixedDryBulb,            !- Economizer Type
    LockoutWithCompressor,   !- Economizer Lockout
    12.7777777777778,        !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
    ,                        !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
    ,                        !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
    4,                       !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
    ,                        !- Supply Plenum Name
    ,                        !- Return Plenum Name
    ,                        !- Supply Fan Part-Load Power Coefficients
    ,                        !- Night Cycle Control
    ,                        !- Night Cycle Control Zone Name
    ,                        !- Heat Recovery Type
    ,                        !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
    ,                        !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness
    ,                        !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Reset Type
    ,                        !- Heating Coil Setpoint Reset Type
    ,                        !- Dehumidification Control Type
    ,                        !- Dehumidification Control Zone Name
    ,                        !- Dehumidification Setpoint {percent}
    None,                    !- Humidifier Type
    ,                        !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
    ,                        !- Humidifier Control Zone Name
    ;                        !- Humidifier Setpoint {percent}


    DXF;                     !- Report Type

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: OUTPUT:METER ===========

    Electricity:Facility,    !- Name
    Timestep;                !- Reporting Frequency

    Photovoltaic:ElectricityProduced,  !- Name
    Timestep;                !- Reporting Frequency


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