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[EnergyPlus_Support] Re: Model a Chiller:Electric or Chiller:Electric:EIR

--- In EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Richard Raustad <RRaustad@...> wrote:
>> Now that you know how to do this and understand it, I might direct you to the Table objects where you can enter data pairs, normalize the data, create performance curves, interpolate tables, extrapolate tables, or ride the performance curve created with the table. It's a little tricky to get used to the format, but once you do they work very well.

> Table:OneIndependentVariable (used for EIRFPLR)
> Table:TwoIndependentVariables (used for CAPFT and EIRFT)

Richard, I´m usind the table objects as you described, but things are not working as expected. According to the chillers data, they should get the best COP at 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% of the total load (actualy at 25% the COP should be the highest).I only get high COP at 100%, because aparently EIR function PLR curve only decreases along with the part load rate, instead of having those four "peaks". Here it is my input for the three curves, please tell me if you check any inconsistence.


    ChillerEIRFPLR,          !- Name
    Quadratic,               !- Curve Type
    LagrangeInterpolationLinearExtrapolation,  !- Interpolation Method
    0,                       !- Minimum Value of X
    1,                       !- Maximum Value of X
    ,                        !- Minimum Table Output
    ,                        !- Maximum Table Output
    Dimensionless,           !- Input Unit Type for X
    Dimensionless,           !- Output Unit Type
    ,                        !- Normalization Reference
    1,                       !- X Value #1
    1,                       !- Output Value #1
    0.86,                    !- X Value #2
    1.0868,                  !- Output Value #2
    0.75,                    !- X Value #3
    1.0085,                  !- Output Value #3
    0.61,                    !- X Value #4
    1.0917,                  !- Output Value #4
    0.5,                     !- X Value #5
    0.9754,                  !- Output Value #5
    0.43,                    !- X Value #6
    1.0393,                  !- Output Value #6
    0.36,                    !- X Value #7
    1.1333,                  !- Output Value #7
    0.25,                    !- N20
    0.9714,                  !- N21
    0.18,                    !- N22
    1.128,                   !- N23
    0.1,                     !- N24
    1.3797;                  !- N25


    ChillerCapFTemp,         !- Name
    BiQuadratic,             !- Curve Type
    LagrangeInterpolationLinearExtrapolation,  !- Interpolation Method
    4.5,                     !- Minimum Value of X
    7.5,                     !- Maximum Value of X
    20,                      !- Minimum Value of Y
    29.5,                    !- Maximum Value of Y
    ,                        !- Minimum Table Output
    ,                        !- Maximum Table Output
    Temperature,             !- Input Unit Type for X
    Temperature,             !- Input Unit Type for Y
    Capacity,                !- Output Unit Type
    1283000,                 !- Normalization Reference
    4.5,                     !- X Value #1
    20,                      !- Y Value #1
    1255000,                 !- Output Value #1
    4.5,                     !- X Value #2
    21.5,                    !- Y Value #2
    1246000,                 !- Output Value #2
    4.5,                     !- X Value #3
    23.5,                    !- Y Value #3
    1234000,                 !- Output Value #3
    4.5,                     !- X Value #4
    25.5,                    !- Y Value #4
    1221000,                 !- Output Value #4
    4.5,                     !- N20
    27.7,                    !- N21
    1208000,                 !- N22
    4.5,                     !- N23
    29.5,                    !- N24
    1194000,                 !- N25
    5.3,                     !- N26
    20,                      !- N27
    1289000,                 !- N28
    5.3,                     !- N29
    21.5,                    !- N30
    1280000,                 !- N31
    5.3,                     !- N32
    23.5,                    !- N33
    1267000,                 !- N34
    5.3,                     !- N35
    25.5,                    !- N36
    1254000,                 !- N37
    5.3,                     !- N38
    27.5,                    !- N39
    1241000,                 !- N40
    5.3,                     !- N41
    29.5,                    !- N42
    1227000,                 !- N43
    6,                       !- N44
    20,                      !- N45
    1318000,                 !- N46
    6,                       !- N47
    21.5,                    !- N48
    1309000,                 !- N49
    6,                       !- N50
    23.5,                    !- N51
    1296000,                 !- N52
    6,                       !- N53
    25.5,                    !- N54
    1283000,                 !- N55
    6,                       !- N56
    27.5,                    !- N57
    1269000,                 !- N58
    6,                       !- N59
    29.5,                    !- N60
    1255000,                 !- N61
    6.7,                     !- N62
    20,                      !- N63
    1348000,                 !- N64
    6.7,                     !- N65
    21.5,                    !- N66
    1339000,                 !- N67
    6.7,                     !- N68
    23.5,                    !- N69
    1326000,                 !- N70
    6.7,                     !- N71
    25.5,                    !- N72
    1312000,                 !- N73
    6.7,                     !- N74
    27.5,                    !- N75
    1298000,                 !- N76
    6.7,                     !- N77
    29.5,                    !- N78
    1283000,                 !- N79
    7.5,                     !- N80
    20,                      !- N81
    1382000,                 !- N82
    7.5,                     !- N83
    21.5,                    !- N84
    1372000,                 !- N85
    7.5,                     !- N86
    23.5,                    !- N87
    1359000,                 !- N88
    7.5,                     !- N89
    25.5,                    !- N90
    1345000,                 !- N91
    7.5,                     !- N92
    27.5,                    !- N93
    1330000,                 !- N94
    7.5,                     !- N95
    29.5,                    !- N96
    1315000;                 !- N97

    ChillerEIRFTemp,         !- Name
    BiQuadratic,             !- Curve Type
    LagrangeInterpolationLinearExtrapolation,  !- Interpolation Method
    4.5,                     !- Minimum Value of X
    7.5,                     !- Maximum Value of X
    20,                      !- Minimum Value of Y
    29.5,                    !- Maximum Value of Y
    ,                        !- Minimum Table Output
    ,                        !- Maximum Table Output
    Temperature,             !- Input Unit Type for X
    Temperature,             !- Input Unit Type for Y
    Dimensionless,           !- Output Unit Type
    ,                        !- Normalization Reference
    4.5,                     !- X Value #1
    20,                      !- Y Value #1
    0.8366,                  !- Output Value #1
    4.5,                     !- X Value #2
    21.5,                    !- Y Value #2
    0.877,                   !- Output Value #2
    4.5,                     !- X Value #3
    23.5,                    !- Y Value #3
    0.9119,                  !- Output Value #3
    4.5,                     !- X Value #4
    25.5,                    !- Y Value #4
    0.9577,                  !- Output Value #4
    4.5,                     !- N20
    27.7,                    !- N21
    1.0085,                  !- N22
    4.5,                     !- N23
    29.5,                    !- N24
    1.0649,                  !- N25
    5.3,                     !- N26
    20,                      !- N27
    0.8179,                  !- N28
    5.3,                     !- N29
    21.5,                    !- N30
    0.8485,                  !- N31
    5.3,                     !- N32
    23.5,                    !- N33
    0.8897,                  !- N34
    5.3,                     !- N35
    25.5,                    !- N36
    0.937,                   !- N37
    5.3,                     !- N38
    27.5,                    !- N39
    0.9855,                  !- N40
    5.3,                     !- N41
    29.5,                    !- N42
    1.0416,                  !- N43
    6,                       !- N44
    20,                      !- N45
    0.8027,                  !- N46
    6,                       !- N47
    21.5,                    !- N48
    0.8307,                  !- N49
    6,                       !- N50
    23.5,                    !- N51
    0.8734,                  !- N52
    6,                       !- N53
    25.5,                    !- N54
    0.9189,                  !- N55
    6,                       !- N56
    27.5,                    !- N57
    0.9675,                  !- N58
    6,                       !- N59
    29.5,                    !- N60
    1.0193,                  !- N61
    6.7,                     !- N62
    20,                      !- N63
    0.7868,                  !- N64
    6.7,                     !- N65
    21.5,                    !- N66
    0.8151,                  !- N67
    6.7,                     !- N68
    23.5,                    !- N69
    0.8561,                  !- N70
    6.7,                     !- N71
    25.5,                    !- N72
    0.9015,                  !- N73
    6.7,                     !- N74
    27.5,                    !- N75
    0.9482,                  !- N76
    6.7,                     !- N77
    29.5,                    !- N78
    1,                       !- N79
    7.5,                     !- N80
    20,                      !- N81
    0.7702,                  !- N82
    7.5,                     !- N83
    21.5,                    !- N84
    0.7987,                  !- N85
    7.5,                     !- N86
    23.5,                    !- N87
    0.838,                   !- N88
    7.5,                     !- N89
    25.5,                    !- N90
    0.8815,                  !- N91
    7.5,                     !- N92
    27.5,                    !- N93
    0.9279,                  !- N94
    7.5,                     !- N95
    29.5,                    !- N96
    0.9794;                  !- N97

--- In EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Richard Raustad <RRaustad@...> wrote:
> Now that you know how to do this and understand it, I might direct you 
> to the Table objects where you can enter data pairs, normalize the data, 
> create performance curves, interpolate tables, extrapolate tables, or 
> ride the performance curve created with the table. It's a little tricky 
> to get used to the format, but once you do they work very well.
> Table:OneIndependentVariable (used for EIRFPLR)
> Table:TwoIndependentVariables (used for CAPFT and EIRFT)
> On 12/1/2011 11:10 AM, Richard Raustad wrote:
> > That looks good, I don't understand the color coding, but looking past 
> > that the user should be able to figure it out.
> >
> > On the Info sheet. I would suggest more explanations. Copy this into 
> > your spreadsheet. Then upload it.
> >
> > This is a spreadsheet used for calculating the CAPFT, EIRFT and 
> > EIRFPLR performance curves which are needed to model a chiller in 
> > EnergyPlus. For example, the "Chiller:Electric:EIR", or 
> > Chiller:Eelctric:ReformulatedEIR" models.
> >
> > The data that we need from the manufacturer depends on the chiller 
> > model selected for simulation. The Chiller:Electric:EIR model uses 
> > leaving evaporator water temperature and entering condenser air or 
> > water temperature. The Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR model uses 
> > leaving evaporator water temperature and leaving condenser air or 
> > water temperature  To create the CAPFT performance curve,  cooling 
> > capacity at several different conditions of supply chilled water 
> > temperature (outlet or leaving evaporator water temperature) and the 
> > condenser inlet or outlet water or air temperature is needed. The more 
> > data available, the better the performance curve. The data needed for 
> > the EIRFT curve is cooling capacity and power for different operating 
> > conditions (same conditions as CAPFT).
> >
> > The data that we need from the manufacturer for the EIRFPLR curve are 
> > the cooling capacity and power for different Part Load Ratios or 
> > Loading Ratios (%).
> >
> > These curves must be normalized to 1 at the rating point. This means 
> > that capacity data needs to be divided by the rated capacity. for EIR, 
> > the power divided by capacity is used, and also normalized by dividing 
> > by the rated EIR.
> >
> > On the CAPFT, EIRFT, and EIRFPLR sheets, I would change Unit Rate to 
> > Power. You could also add units to make things very clear (e.g., Power 
> >> 
> >
> > -- 
> > Richard A. Raustad
> > Senior Research Engineer
> > Florida Solar Energy Center
> > University of Central Florida
> > 1679 Clearlake Road
> > Cocoa, FL  32922-5703
> > Phone:   (321) 638-1454
> > Fax:     (321) 638-1439 or 1010
> > Visit our web site at:http://www.fsec.ucf.edu
> >
> > UCF - From Promise to Prominence: Celebrating 40 Years
> -- 
> Richard A. Raustad
> Senior Research Engineer
> Florida Solar Energy Center
> University of Central Florida
> 1679 Clearlake Road
> Cocoa, FL  32922-5703
> Phone:   (321) 638-1454
> Fax:     (321) 638-1439 or 1010
> Visit our web site at: http://www.fsec.ucf.edu
> UCF - From Promise to Prominence: Celebrating 40 Years


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