The data looked normal. You should have taken the temperature values at the same time. yes i take it but in the excel file that i send you there is nt,
You did not record the DHW pump on the spread sheet.
i recorded DHW pump , but in this file that i send you it is only HW pump HW pump off, boiler off not listed below,
i wrote wrong in number 3, sorry , it must be HW pump off ,boiler off there is on the spread sheet.
in my energyplus result i dont see number 4 case (HW pump on and boiler off ) i dont undrestand why?
) Hw pump off but boiler on (DHW is being heated)
2)Hw pump on and boiler on (Normal )
3)HW pump 0ff but boiler on (HW below set point, DHW not in use)
4)HW pump on and boiler off (Tank is hot enough for a while) i dont this case result ( HW pump on and boiler off ) in my energyplus result ,
This is an indication that you did not plan the experiment well, and do not record the actual condition on site. Instead of 0 and 1's on the spread sheet, you should combined the states and then list the meaning of each state. Two pumps and a boiler fire should give you 8 states.
yes you are right i have 8 states, but in the excel file that i sent you , there is only the result of HW pump and boiler
Some states may not be possible, and then your should try to explain them. Dr. Li
To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: t.t111ir@xxxxxxxxxDate: Sun, 19 Feb 2012 21:58:35 +0000Subject: Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] availabilityManager:High temperaturTurnoff
please see the file that i attached :this is the real experiment data that i measured :
it shows some times all of below
1) Hw pump off but boiler on (DHW is being heated)
2)Hw pump on and boiler on (Normal )
3)pump 0ff but boiler on (HW below set point, DHW not in use)
4)pump on and boiler off (Tank is hot enough for a while)