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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] solar absorption on a sloped surface

You probably need to send that input file to the helpdesk.  Make sure the floor is listed as a "floor".

If it is tilted too much, that could be a reason as well.

You have non-convex casting surfaces -- you can enter Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; and find out which surface that is.  Then, you have the option of splitting it into convex surfaces or living with the shading errors.

At 12:53 PM 2/28/2012, aanaranj wrote:


Trying to simulate a tilted solar collector over a roof, appears a severe error about the absorption on the floor:

** Severe  ** ComputeIntSolarAbsorpFactors: Solar distribution model is set to place solar gains on the zone floor,
   **   ~~~   ** but Zone ="Z CHAM" floor cannot absorb any solar gains.
   **   ~~~   ** Check the solar absorptance of the inside layer of the floor surface construction/material.
   **   ~~~   ** Solar gains will be spread evenly on all surfaces in the zone, and the simulation continues...


What could I do for making my tilted floor to absorb solar gains?

As suggested for the error report, I check the solar absortance of the inside layer of that floor.

That solar absortance is set to: 0.85

Does anybody have some suggestion?


There´s also a severe error on shadowing calculations:

** Severe  ** DetermineShadowingCombinations: There are 1 surfaces which are casting surfaces and are non-convex.
   **   ~~~   ** ...Shadowing values may be inaccurate. Check .shd report file for more surface shading details




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