Dr Li, I do not understand your explanation. Are you talking about the type of thermostat that is always 4 in the expanded file? I am not talking about the zone level temperature control. Yes, I know that the tower does operate (legitimately) in winter, when the water loop temperature is ABOVE the range. The problem that I raised is that the main tower will also operate when the water loop temperature is BELOW the range. I run the models for two weeks, one in winter and one in summer, under Boise weather. To force the model to have the water loop temperature BELOW the range, I have to disable the insulation on the external walls. Then the water loop temperature falls BELOW the range. At this condition, only the boiler should operate. But it turned out that the tower also operate. Thanks, Ery On 03/05/2012 05:07 PM, YuanLu Li wrote:
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