How about setting the Controller:OutdoorAir for a specific minimum flow, something like:
p.s., EnergyPlus expects flow rates in m3/s.
The Building Performance Team
James V. Dirkes II, P.E., BEMP , LEED AP
1631 Acacia Drive NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504
616 450 8653
From: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of hnoboam
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 9:53 AM
To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [EnergyPlus_Support] How can I simulate a stuck open economizer?
I need to simulate a stuck open economizer damper. To do this I thought I could use an EMS program to override the outdoor air flow rate setpoint.
First I ran the simulation normally and found the maximum yearly outdoor air flow rate, which happens to be around 3 kg/s.
Next, in the EED file I found what I think it is the suitable actuator:
EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator Available,VAV_1_OA_CONTROLLER,Outdoor Air Controller,Air Mass Flow Rate,[kg/s]
Next, I did setup the EMS actuator and program, like this:
AHU1_OA_Flow, !- Name
VAV_1_OA_CONTROLLER, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Outdoor Air Controller, !- Actuated Component Type
Air Mass Flow Rate; !- Actuated Component Control Type
set AHU1_OA_Flow=10.0, !- Program Line 2
When I run the simulation, the outdoor flow rate is, indeed 10 kg/s, but the problem is that E+ shows the "Actual Outdoor Air Fraction" greater than 1. How can this be? Should not this value be strictly between zero and one?
Furthermore, if I put a **very** large setpoint, e.g. 600 kg/s, E+ does not converge to the solution. Why?
Then, the larger questions are: Have you done something like this? Am I in the right track? Do you have any advise?
I posted my idf in the "Files" section at:
Files > _Problem_Submittals > EconomizerOpen.idf
--Homero Noboa, Ph. D.