Simulation is to calculate the heating and cooling condition using the weather file.
Sizing is to fine the maximum and minimum temperature in the weather rile and use that to determine the equipment size for heating anc cooling. DesignDay sizing objects extract the statatistical data file from the weather for you for each location you are working on. There are so many of them in the .DDY file, because you may want to size the equipment for different margins. If you use the DesignDay object what has a lower dryBulb value, the probability of the temperature which is exceeded will be higher. However, the equipment sized will be of lower capacity. You can then study the effect of under capacity situations with autosizing. Whether to use the extreme days in the weather file or not depends on personal preference. I use them to view the results after an annual simulation, but not to use them for sizing, If you use Zone sizing, system sizing, and plant sizing, the DesignDay or any other sizing information may be over written. To answer your question: Sizing to June 21 is not the full informatin, because all the SummerDesign day objects are on that day but have different dryBulb values. Using 0.4%. and 1% will result in different output for the weather file simulation, bcause the equipment may be sized to different capacity. Each different DesignDay object may give you a different set of value in October (Singapore) In a countruy with seasonal weather, Octob er and June are completely different. June is for cooling sizing. October may need heatingsizing. Dr. Li P.S. If you are trying to build a controlled enverment, the box has to be surrouonded by other zones, like the 5 zone building model. Daily OD and solar variation will make the control of the zone air temperature almost impossible. To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx From: fypguevibyor@xxxxxxxxx Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2012 01:08:59 +0000 Subject: [EnergyPlus_Support] About SizingPeriod:DesignDay
Hi all,
If I run the simulation for October but using design day of 21 June (the one provided by EnergyPlus), would it affect a lot of the result? Thanks in advance. Sincerely yours, Malindo Mech. Engineering student Singapore __._,_.___ Primary EnergyPlus support is found at: or send a message to energyplus-support@xxxxxxxx The primary EnergyPlus web site is found at: The group web site is: Attachments are currently allowed but be mindful that not everyone has a high speed connection. Limit attachments to small files. EnergyPlus Documentation is searchable. Open EPlusMainMenu.pdf under the Documentation link and press the "search" button.
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