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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Re: Best practices for data collection?

Thanks  Jean, 
The attached is what I have so far-
Notice I did the auto size purchase air option... 

The other issue is that they do not know how to make since of the report...

What they want is to see where they are at (% savings from baseline) but want to do so without providing much in the way of inputs... 

I am sure I will figure it out, but it is tough getting the data needed. 

Thanks again for your comments.

Jeremiah D. Crossett
CleanTech Analytics

This document may contain valuable information proprietary to CleanTech Analytics which is private and confidential. It may not be shared, copied, stored or transmitted in any form without the prior written consent of CleanTech Analytics

On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 10:42 PM, Jean marais <jeannieboef@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'm going to rant a bit, so watch out.

Far too little money. From what I've read 8-12k is about average.
I wish I could get Architects to understand the impact of Window to Wall ratio. To me this is a defining characteristic. I don't care how many layers the glass has, it can't compete with an insulated wall!!!

In Germany the Architect must submit a ENeV nachweis for building allowance, which is basically a norm based calculation to show that they a) meet the norm energy savings against the reference "baseline" building. This document has constructions and properties, zoning and schedules. for me that document is the start. The building componants are allowed to change but may not be "worse" than what was submitted here.

As for how you will do your data collection. I like the previous suggestion, but will probably try and make the architect see that they should use better materials than is required for the baseline.

Another very important tip is to freeze the architectural layout as the only one regarded for the submittal for the LEED design phase and construction phase (or sometimes combined) submittals.

The right way (if you're involved early enough) to do simulations for LEED is to help the architect by using only the idealairloads simulations to investigate the effect of orientation, window to wall ratio, shading, etc. And then only do the ASHRAE simulation once the parts for the building have been ordered.

Architects always want to keep there glass facades and think they can make up for the energy wasting with hightec HVAC. This is an illusion. The first place to save energy is the facade. The second place is the lighting. HVAC should be a small bonus at the end.

Comparing detailed HVAC concepts is a waste of time...mostly. Dr Li will agree with me, here.

--- In EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, CleanTech Analytics <jeremiah@...> wrote:
> Hello Simulation community.
> This request is somewhat vague so please feel free to respond with any
> comments, questions etc...
> I am working on my first LEED project, a 72,000 square foot plastics
> manufacturing facility and have found the data collection process to be
> quite difficult.
> The mechanical engineer says she does not think detailed modeling is of
> much value, the architect has expressed that he will not do anything that
> takes any additional time.
> I have created this data collection form, but have not had the best of luck
> getting them to fill it out:
> https://docs.google.com/a/cleantechanalytics.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGVMRGdPeDN2Zk9JT1gyMXY1QUplMGc6MA#gid=4
> Some of the issues I have had are:
> - Difficulty explaining the concept of thermal blocks
> - Difficulty explaining the concept of window to wall ratio
> - Difficulty explaining the concept of a baseline building being

> developed from the proposed, specifically they want me to create the
> baseline first to test their proposed building against.
> - Difficulty explaining the concept of building area vs space by space

> lighting compliance paths.
> Other questions I have:
> - I made the mistake of charging a low ($2500) price to get my first

> project, and wonder what something like this should be worth.
> - I am being pressured to produce this model in a very fast time-frame,

> and wonder how long in terms of man hours is reasonable for such a project?
> - I have been asked to use generic data for much of the proposed

> building inputs, and it was said that due to my limited experience that I
> did not understand how to do this where a more experienced modeler would--
> I think that some default values are consistently used in modeling but feel
> that this should be a last resort.
> I have purchased all of the ASHRAE books on the subjects, but other
> recommended reading would be great, specifically if anyone knows of a very
> simple overview of the minimum requirements that I could share with the
> project team that would be great..
> Lastly, if anyone could let me know if this difficulty in explaining the
> required processes, or issues with project teams not understanding the
> concepts behind Energy modeling is the norm, and if anyone has any advise
> so far as streamlining the data collection process, or explaining the
> importance of the requirements I would be appreciative..
> Your advise is much appreciated and Best regards-
> *Jeremiah D. Crossett*
> *CleanTech Analytics*
> *503-688-8951*
> *www.cleantechanalytics.com* <http://www.cleantechanalytics.com>

> *
> This document may contain valuable information proprietary to CleanTech
> Analytics which is private and confidential. It may not be shared, copied,
> stored or transmitted in any form without the prior written consent of
> CleanTech Analytics
> *


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