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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Modelling under-slab subfloor void


If this is a scenario to recover/reuse heat that otherwise lost into outdoor there is a similar concept called Solar Dynamic Buffer Zone (just google it if you wish). I know that folks from University of Toronto were developing this idea as an application for sunny cold winter season.  

I'm curious, how are you going to play around with cold/cool air. What is the source  (and meaning) of cool air in an attic?


Paul Dybskiy 

FEAS, Ryerson University
Toronto, Canada

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 3:15 AM, energy.partners <energy.partners@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I would like to model a house with under-slab subfloor void or crawlspace (one of the product examples is Cupolex: http://www.cupolex.co.nz/).