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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Location dependent inputs

I would caution on using the weather file as design data. 
For example:
Washington Dulles AP, Virginia (ASHRAE 2009 Handbook Chapter 14)
        0.4% cooling design condition:  34.1 C
        1.0% cooling design condition:  32.7 C   (value required by Standard 90.1)
        2.0% cooling design condtiion:  31.2 C
        99.6% heating design condition:  -11.8 C  (value required by Standard 90.1)
        99.0% heating design condition:  -9.0 C
Washington Dulles TMY3
        0.4% cooling design condition: 35.1 C
        1.0% cooling design condition: 34.5 C
        2.0% cooling design condtiion: 33.4 C
        99.6% heating design condition: -14.5 C 
        99.0% heating design condition: -13.4 C      
In this case, the cooling and heating condition are more extreme than required by Standard 90.1 -- resulting in larger equipment sizes. The TMY-type weather file representative typical (not extreme) weather patterns and often does not match the design conditions (in this case it's 1-2 C (2-4 F) more extreme). In many cases, the weather file will not have conditions that are as hot or cold as the ASHRAE design conditions required by Standard 90.1.
The design conditions in the 2009 Handbook ASHRAE design conditions are carefully generated from a period of record (typically 30 years) to be representative of that location and to be suitable for use in heating/cooling load calculations. 
2009 design conditions are available in a macro (IMF) format for all the EPWs.  In the c:\EnergyPlusV7-1-0\MacroDataSets folder, there is a spreadsheet (Location-DesignDays.xls).  When you open the spreadsheet, you'll see a tab for each major WMO region (continents).  Click on WMO4 North & Central America.  In cell E7, there's a link to a .zip file on the E+ web site:


This contains the .IMF version of the design conditions.  To get the specific design conditions, you can either copy/paste the design conditions you want from the .IMF or use the .IMF directly.  There is extensive documentation on using macro (.IMF) files (See discussion of Input Macros in the Auxiliary Programs documentation).  But you would only need to add two lines to your .IDF (##include <designdayfilename.imf>, ##set <locationname in the .IMF> ) and rename the .IDF to .IMF... read  the documentation!

##include <designdayfilename.IMF>

##set1 <locationname in the .IMF>


For this example, inserting these two lines in my .IDF and renaming it as an .IMF (also delete the design conditions, site location and daylight saving time object in your IDF):

##include Region_4_North_And_Central_America.imf


gives me all the design conditions, site location, and daylight saving time objects for that location:

   El Toro Mcas CA USA WMO=690140,     !- Location Name
      33.68,     !- Latitude {N+ S-}
    -117.73,     !- Longitude {W- E+}
      -8.00,     !- Time Zone Relative to GMT {GMT+/-}
     117.00;     !- Elevation {m}
 !  WMO=690140 Time Zone=NAP        (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada); Tijuana
 !  Data Source=ASHRAE 2009 Annual Design Conditions
   1st Sunday in April,    !- StartDate
   Last Sunday in October;    !- EndDate
 ! Using Design Conditions from "Climate Design Data 2009 ASHRAE Handbook"
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Extreme Annual Wind Speeds, 1%=6.4m/s, 2.5%=5.2m/s, 5%=4.5m/s
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Extreme Annual Temperatures, Max Drybulb=2.6°C Min Drybulb=38.7°C
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Annual Heating Design Conditions Wind Speed=1.4m/s Wind Dir=90
 ! Coldest Month=December
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Annual Heating 99.6%, MaxDB=4.6°C
  El Toro Mcas Ann Htg 99.6% Condns DB,     !- Name
        4.6,      !- Max Dry-Bulb {C}
        0.0,      !- Daily Temp Range {C}
        4.6,      !- Humidity Indicating Condition at Max Dry-Bulb
     99927.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        1.4,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 6.71 m/s (15 mph)
         90,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
       0.00,      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
          0,      !- Rain {0-no,1-yes}
          0,      !- Snow on ground {0-no,1-yes}
         21,      !- Day of Month
         12,      !- Month
  WinterDesignDay,!- Day Type
          0,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   Wetbulb;      !- Humidity Indicating Type
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Annual Heating 99%, MaxDB=6.2°C
  El Toro Mcas Ann Htg 99% Condns DB,     !- Name
        6.2,      !- Max Dry-Bulb {C}
        0.0,      !- Daily Temp Range {C}
        6.2,      !- Humidity Indicating Condition at Max Dry-Bulb
     99927.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        1.4,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 6.71 m/s (15 mph)
         90,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
       0.00,      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
          0,      !- Rain {0-no,1-yes}
          0,      !- Snow on ground {0-no,1-yes}
         21,      !- Day of Month
         12,      !- Month
  WinterDesignDay,!- Day Type
          0,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   Wetbulb;      !- Humidity Indicating Type
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Annual Humidification 99.6% Design Conditions DP=>MCDB, DP=-11°C
  El Toro Mcas Ann Hum_n 99.6% Condns DP=>MCDB,     !- Name
       14.2,      !- Max Dry-Bulb {C}
        0.0,      !- Daily Temp Range {C}
        -11,      !- Humidity Indicating Condition at Max Dry-Bulb
     99927.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        1.4,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 6.71 m/s (15 mph)
         90,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
       0.00,      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
          0,      !- Rain {0-no,1-yes}
          0,      !- Snow on ground {0-no,1-yes}
         21,      !- Day of Month
         12,      !- Month
  WinterDesignDay,!- Day Type
          0,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   Dewpoint;     !- Humidity Indicating Type
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Annual Humidification 99% Design Conditions DP=>MCDB, DP=-8°C
  El Toro Mcas Ann Hum_n 99% Condns DP=>MCDB,     !- Name
       14.6,      !- Max Dry-Bulb {C}
        0.0,      !- Daily Temp Range {C}
         -8,      !- Humidity Indicating Condition at Max Dry-Bulb
     99927.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        1.4,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 6.71 m/s (15 mph)
         90,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
       0.00,      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
          0,      !- Rain {0-no,1-yes}
          0,      !- Snow on ground {0-no,1-yes}
         21,      !- Day of Month
         12,      !- Month
  WinterDesignDay,!- Day Type
          0,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   Dewpoint;     !- Humidity Indicating Type
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Annual Heating Wind 99.6% Design Conditions WS=>MCDB, WS=9.4m/s
  El Toro Mcas Ann Htg Wind 99.6% Condns WS=>MCDB,     !- Name
       15.4,      !- Max Dry-Bulb {C}
        0.0,      !- Daily Temp Range {C}
       15.4,      !- Humidity Indicating Condition at Max Dry-Bulb
     99927.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        9.4,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 6.71 m/s (15 mph)
         90,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
       0.00,      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
          0,      !- Rain {0-no,1-yes}
          0,      !- Snow on ground {0-no,1-yes}
         21,      !- Day of Month
         12,      !- Month
  WinterDesignDay,!- Day Type
          0,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   Wetbulb;      !- Humidity Indicating Type
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Annual Heating Wind 99% Design Conditions WS=>MCDB, WS=8.2m/s
  El Toro Mcas Ann Htg Wind 99% Condns WS=>MCDB,     !- Name
       14.9,      !- Max Dry-Bulb {C}
        0.0,      !- Daily Temp Range {C}
       14.9,      !- Humidity Indicating Condition at Max Dry-Bulb
     99927.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        8.2,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 6.71 m/s (15 mph)
         90,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
       0.00,      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
          0,      !- Rain {0-no,1-yes}
          0,      !- Snow on ground {0-no,1-yes}
         21,      !- Day of Month
         12,      !- Month
  WinterDesignDay,!- Day Type
          0,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   Wetbulb;      !- Humidity Indicating Type
 ! El Toro Mcas Annual Cooling Design Conditions Wind Speed=2.6m/s Wind Dir=270
 ! Hottest Month=August
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Annual Cooling (DB=>MWB) .4%, MaxDB=33.4°C MWB=20.1°C
  El Toro Mcas Ann Clg .4% Condns DB=>MWB,     !- Name
       33.4,      !- Max Dry-Bulb {C}
       10.4,      !- Daily Temp Range {C}
       20.1,      !- Humidity Indicating Condition at Max Dry-Bulb
     99927.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.6,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
        270,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
       1.00,      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
          0,      !- Rain {0-no,1-yes}
          0,      !- Snow on ground {0-no,1-yes}
         21,      !- Day of Month
          8,      !- Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
          0,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   Wetbulb;      !- Humidity Indicating Type
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Annual Cooling (DB=>MWB) 1%, MaxDB=31.4°C MWB=19.7°C
  El Toro Mcas Ann Clg 1% Condns DB=>MWB,     !- Name
       31.4,      !- Max Dry-Bulb {C}
       10.4,      !- Daily Temp Range {C}
       19.7,      !- Humidity Indicating Condition at Max Dry-Bulb
     99927.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.6,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
        270,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
       1.00,      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
          0,      !- Rain {0-no,1-yes}
          0,      !- Snow on ground {0-no,1-yes}
         21,      !- Day of Month
          8,      !- Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
          0,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   Wetbulb;      !- Humidity Indicating Type
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Annual Cooling (DB=>MWB) 2%, MaxDB=29.8°C MWB=19.2°C
  El Toro Mcas Ann Clg 2% Condns DB=>MWB,     !- Name
       29.8,      !- Max Dry-Bulb {C}
       10.4,      !- Daily Temp Range {C}
       19.2,      !- Humidity Indicating Condition at Max Dry-Bulb
     99927.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.6,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
        270,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
       1.00,      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
          0,      !- Rain {0-no,1-yes}
          0,      !- Snow on ground {0-no,1-yes}
         21,      !- Day of Month
          8,      !- Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
          0,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   Wetbulb;      !- Humidity Indicating Type
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Annual Cooling (WB=>MDB) .4%, MDB=30°C WB=22.2°C
  El Toro Mcas Ann Clg .4% Condns WB=>MDB,     !- Name
         30,      !- Max Dry-Bulb {C}
       10.4,      !- Daily Temp Range {C}
       22.2,      !- Humidity Indicating Condition at Max Dry-Bulb
     99927.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.6,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
        270,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
       1.00,      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
          0,      !- Rain {0-no,1-yes}
          0,      !- Snow on ground {0-no,1-yes}
         21,      !- Day of Month
          8,      !- Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
          0,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   Wetbulb;      !- Humidity Indicating Type
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Annual Cooling (WB=>MDB) 1%, MDB=28.8°C WB=21.4°C
  El Toro Mcas Ann Clg 1% Condns WB=>MDB,     !- Name
       28.8,      !- Max Dry-Bulb {C}
       10.4,      !- Daily Temp Range {C}
       21.4,      !- Humidity Indicating Condition at Max Dry-Bulb
     99927.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.6,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
        270,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
       1.00,      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
          0,      !- Rain {0-no,1-yes}
          0,      !- Snow on ground {0-no,1-yes}
         21,      !- Day of Month
          8,      !- Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
          0,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   Wetbulb;      !- Humidity Indicating Type
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Annual Cooling (WB=>MDB) 2%, MDB=27.8°C WB=20.7°C
  El Toro Mcas Ann Clg 2% Condns WB=>MDB,     !- Name
       27.8,      !- Max Dry-Bulb {C}
       10.4,      !- Daily Temp Range {C}
       20.7,      !- Humidity Indicating Condition at Max Dry-Bulb
     99927.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.6,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
        270,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
       1.00,      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
          0,      !- Rain {0-no,1-yes}
          0,      !- Snow on ground {0-no,1-yes}
         21,      !- Day of Month
          8,      !- Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
          0,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   Wetbulb;      !- Humidity Indicating Type
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Annual Cooling (DP=>MDB) .4%, MDB=25.8°C DP=19.4°C HR=0.0144
  El Toro Mcas Ann Clg .4% Condns DP=>MDB,     !- Name
       25.8,      !- Max Dry-Bulb {C}
       10.4,      !- Daily Temp Range {C}
       19.4,      !- Humidity Indicating Condition at Max Dry-Bulb
     99927.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.6,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
        270,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
       1.00,      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
          0,      !- Rain {0-no,1-yes}
          0,      !- Snow on ground {0-no,1-yes}
         21,      !- Day of Month
          8,      !- Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
          0,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   Dewpoint;     !- Humidity Indicating Type
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Annual Cooling (DP=>MDB) 1%, MDB=25.2°C DP=18.6°C HR=0.0136
  El Toro Mcas Ann Clg 1% Condns DP=>MDB,     !- Name
       25.2,      !- Max Dry-Bulb {C}
       10.4,      !- Daily Temp Range {C}
       18.6,      !- Humidity Indicating Condition at Max Dry-Bulb
     99927.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.6,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
        270,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
       1.00,      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
          0,      !- Rain {0-no,1-yes}
          0,      !- Snow on ground {0-no,1-yes}
         21,      !- Day of Month
          8,      !- Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
          0,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   Dewpoint;     !- Humidity Indicating Type
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Annual Cooling (DP=>MDB) 2%, MDB=24.5°C DP=17.9°C HR=0.0130
  El Toro Mcas Ann Clg 2% Condns DP=>MDB,     !- Name
       24.5,      !- Max Dry-Bulb {C}
       10.4,      !- Daily Temp Range {C}
       17.9,      !- Humidity Indicating Condition at Max Dry-Bulb
     99927.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.6,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
        270,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
       1.00,      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
          0,      !- Rain {0-no,1-yes}
          0,      !- Snow on ground {0-no,1-yes}
         21,      !- Day of Month
          8,      !- Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
          0,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   Dewpoint;     !- Humidity Indicating Type
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Annual Cooling (Enthalpy=>MDB) .4%, MDB=30.1°C Enthalpy=65.3kJ/kg
  El Toro Mcas Ann Clg .4% Condns Enth=>MDB,     !- Name
       30.1,      !- Max Dry-Bulb {C}
       10.4,      !- Daily Temp Range {C}
       65.3,      !- Humidity Indicating Condition at Max Dry-Bulb
     99927.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.6,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
        270,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
       1.00,      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
          0,      !- Rain {0-no,1-yes}
          0,      !- Snow on ground {0-no,1-yes}
         21,      !- Day of Month
          8,      !- Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
          0,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   Enthalpy;      !- Humidity Indicating Type
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Annual Cooling (Enthalpy=>MDB) 1%, MDB=29.3°C Enthalpy=62.4kJ/kg
  El Toro Mcas Ann Clg 1% Condns Enth=>MDB,     !- Name
       29.3,      !- Max Dry-Bulb {C}
       10.4,      !- Daily Temp Range {C}
       62.4,      !- Humidity Indicating Condition at Max Dry-Bulb
     99927.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.6,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
        270,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
       1.00,      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
          0,      !- Rain {0-no,1-yes}
          0,      !- Snow on ground {0-no,1-yes}
         21,      !- Day of Month
          8,      !- Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
          0,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   Enthalpy;      !- Humidity Indicating Type
 ! El Toro Mcas CA USA Annual Cooling (Enthalpy=>MDB) 2%, MDB=27.8°C Enthalpy=59.9kJ/kg
  El Toro Mcas Ann Clg 2% Condns Enth=>MDB,     !- Name
       27.8,      !- Max Dry-Bulb {C}
       10.4,      !- Daily Temp Range {C}
       59.9,      !- Humidity Indicating Condition at Max Dry-Bulb
     99927.,      !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
        2.6,      !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
        270,      !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
       1.00,      !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
          0,      !- Rain {0-no,1-yes}
          0,      !- Snow on ground {0-no,1-yes}
         21,      !- Day of Month
          8,      !- Month
  SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
          0,      !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   Enthalpy;      !- Humidity Indicating Type

On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 8:00 PM, Jeremiah Crossett <jcrossett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

When running a many locations it is easiest to use the object called: 

"sizing period weather file condition type"

Name Summer Extreme Weather File  Winter Extreme Weather File 
Period Selection SummerExtreme WinterExtreme
Day of Week for Start Day Monday Monday
Use Weather File Daylight Saving Period Yes Yes
Use Weather File Rain and Snow Indicators Yes Yes

Jeremiah D. Crossett  | Senior Analyst  |  Phase Change Energy Solutions
120 E. Pritchard St.  | Asheboro, NC 27203  | Mobile 503-688-8951


On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 4:33 PM, cmcdona037 <mcdonald.cliff@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I'm new at EnergyPlus, but do have some experience with DOE-2.. I'm trying to take the PNNL prototype models and run the for some different locations. Since the HVAC and Plant equipment is set to autosize, I was hoping that I would only have to change the weather file and I'd be good to go. However, after some digging it does seem that there are a few inputs I have to change in the IDF, mainly the sizingperiod:designdays. Are there any other inputs i need to change to get an accurate run in different locations? Is there a general procedure I can follow to update the model for a different location?




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