I think I was confused by the return Plenum specification:
can someone confirm if this is true: the return Plenum for the air loop is the same thing as the zone containing it in the Heat balance computations. Practically it is as if there was no piping in the plenum but the air directly injected and drawn from the space.
Is that a reasonable assumption ?
I am currently trying to measure from the amount of energy entering/leaving in the rooms through the heating system.
I have found out that the
Output:Variable,*,Zone/Sys Sensible Cooling Rate,hourly; !- HVAC Average [W] might do the trick but I now noticed something that makes me wonder.
I am currently using the ASHRAE standard commercial building model MediumOffice (location, Baltimore). It can be found there. I enclose a copy that i translated to version 7.2 of E+. This building has 3 stories with 3x5 zones + 3 plenums, where the return air paths are located. There is no terminal unit in the plenums. However, the record of Zone/Sys Sensible Cooling Rate for the plenums is non zero, but it is not clear for me where this energy is suppose