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[Bldg-sim] Claiming refrigerated casework savings for a LEED project

Dear Forum,

I am modeling a supermarket which has made effort to install refrigerated casework that is more efficient than “normal” in three ways:

•             Casework lighting is LED instead of fluorescent

•             Evaporator fans use ECM motors and are demonstrably more efficient

•             The compressors have higher COP

I did not realize that claiming savings from a “process” load also requires substantiation of the Baseline energy for the process load via comparison to several similar facilities or a published paper.  I wish I knew that months ago!

We have data from three other supermarkets owned by the same company, but these other examples are not identical.  So far, all I can say is that:

a)            Manufacturer literature claims that LEDs used in their casework use ~ 65% less energy than fluorescent lights

b)            ECM fans use about 35% less energy in a manufacturer power comparison table

c)            The COP is better (I do not have detailed data yet)


This strikes me as a fairly weak argument, so I am asking you for suggestions or published data to strengthen the argument.


p.s., My last alternative is to ignore the process energy savings and make it the same for both models.  I think the savings are substantial, however, and would rather find a way to claim them!




"Attack me … rather than the path I follow and which I point to anyone who asks me where I think it lies. If I know the way home and am walking along it drunkenly, is it any less the right way because I am staggering side to side?"  Leo Tolstoy