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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Re: Dynamic change of a schedule:compact with EMS

Dear Linda,

you have been very patient and now finally I've understood (I hope) what's the sense og the argument of the @Seedrandom. I wish to propose and example.

I have a file of a building with an envelope, envelope 1. This .idf uses @RandomUniform to generate some variables and they come out  with a distribution called distribution 1. So I use a code in which seed=1.
I want to run this model 5 times and obtain 5 different results. So, I create 5 files and in each of them I change the seed. I will use seed=1 in file 1, seed=2 in file 2 etc.
Than I want to compare the results changing envelope. As before I'll create 5 file in which the only difference is the seed. I will use seed=1 in file 1, seed=2 in file 2 etc. and so on.
So, finally, I have one model with envelope 1 and one model with envelope 2 with an equal distribution of internal random generated variable.

Please just confirm if I'm correct.
Thanks again.


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