...and here the official confirmation of Joe's experience, Re: German TRY data.
Sehr geehrter Herr Marais, für den TRY-Zeitraum (1988 bis 2007) liegen die Strahlungsmessreihen als Stundensummen (der diffusen und der Globalstrahlung) in Wahrer Ortszeit (WOZ) vor (Stundensummen bis WOZ). In Abstimmung mit dem Strahlungs-Know-How-Center am RKB Hamburg und der Fa. CEC in Potsdam, die mit der Berechnung der TRY beauftragt war, wurde entschieden aus den jeweiligen Stundensummen die mittlere Strahlungsintensität (Stundensumme/3600 s) in W/m² zu ermitteln. Bei der zeitlichen Zuordnung der mittleren Strahlungsintensität wurde davon ausgegangen, dass grob gesprochen die WOZ-Stunde etwa bei MEZ-30 min beginnt und bei MEZ+30 min endet. Daher entspricht die mittlere Strahlungsintensität etwa dem zur vollen Stunde MEZ zu erwartenden Wert. Das genannte Vorgehen führt allerdings zu Ungenauigkeiten, da aufgrund der Zeitgleichung die Zuordnung WOZ zu MEZ über das Jahr um ca. +/- 15 min variiert und der zeitliche Verlauf der Strahlungsintensitäten nicht immer symmetrisch über die Stunde verläuft. Besonders deutlich wird dies bei Sonnenauf- und -untergang. Hier kann es durch das o.g. Verfahren dazu kommen, dass für die Stunden MEZ bereits eine Strahlungsintensität angegeben wird, obwohl die Sonne noch gar nicht auf- oder bereits untergegangen ist. In solchen Fällen, wurde die Solarstrahlung dann auf 0 W/m² festgesetzt. Mit freundlichen Grü�en Stefan Krähenmann Von: Kaps Marcus [mailto:Marcus.Kaps@xxxxxx] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 9. April 2014 08:47 An: 'stefan.kraehenmann@xxxxxx' Betreff: TRY-Daten Strahlung um Zeitpunkt? Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Es ist voll bekannt das fast alle Länder (au�er Amerika), die Strahlungswerten um den Zeit entspricht, d.h. -0.5hr Timestamp +0.5hr. Ist das für die TRY-Daten auch so? B Direkte Sonnenbestrahlungsstärke (horiz. Ebene) [W/m²] abwärts gerichtet: positiv D Difuse Sonnenbetrahlungsstärke (horiz. Ebene) [W/m²] abwärts gerichtet: positiv Mit freundlichen Grü�en i. A.
Jean Marais B.Eng (Mech) LEED Accredited Professional ![image002]()
"The LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Rating System is the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction, and operation of high performance green buildings." Other LEED descriptive copy may be found on the USGBC Web site:http://www.usgbc.org/leed
Please note that the time offset only helps if you're using the
WeatherConverter to calculate the Direct Normal Radiation, but not
for weather files that supply both Total Horizontal and Direct
Normal, in which case you're stuck with the "offset" as decided by
those who created the weather file. Furthermore, using the time
offset would get the calculated direct normal in sync with the total
horizontal radiation, but now both would differ from what is
expected by EnergyPlus, unless EnergyPlus itself also allows for a
time offset in the simulation. Could someone let me know if
EnergyPlus allows for an time offset input?
Joe Huang
White Box Technologies, Inc.
346 Rheem Blvd., Suite 108D
Moraga CA 94556
http://weather.whiteboxtechnologies.com for simulation-ready weather data
(o) (925)388-0265
(c) (510)928-2683
"building energy simulations at your fingertips"
On 4/8/2014 3:09 PM, Linda Lawrie wrote:
Everyone should make sure they are using the latest
Weather Converter.
There is also a "time offset" value that can be input for
those of you
whose data appears to be "off".
On 2014-04-08 16:03, jeannieboef@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I feel stupid. But thanks anyhow. ;-)
> On 08.04.2014, at 23:41,
<dru.crawley@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Best way to check is to look at the solar
patterns (DView or
>> spreadsheet). Do the peaks occur around noon? If
not, then the data
>> may be shifted an hour.
>> FROM: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> [mailto:EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] ON
BEHALF OF Jean Marais
>> SENT: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 5:34 PM
>> TO: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> CC: Sankey, Maxim L
>> SUBJECT: Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Weather
Converter Direct Solar
>> Radiation Spikes
>> Joe, on that note...do you know how zi Germans do
this? I've
>> converted several (hourly) TRY2010 weather data,
and the concern of
>> the radiation data being valid from the timestamp
until before the
>> next timestamp, has been raised.
>> 2014-04-08 23:07 GMT+02:00 Joe Huang
>> <YJHuang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> I've encountered the same difficulty multiple
times in calculating
>> direct normal from measured total horizontal
radiation data, all of
>> which were due to a mismatch between the measured
horizontal solar
>> and the time stamp. The fact that all these
warnings appear on hour
>> 19 on consecutive days indicates that the
EnergyPlus weather
>> converter is calculating the sun as having set
earlier than what's
>> indicated by your data. Therefore, when it's
deriving a direct
>> normal radiation that's far in excess of the
maximum available based
>> on the amount of time the sun is above the
horizon (footnote: it
>> seems that the weather converter does not do a
similar reality check
>> on the total horizontal, or else that would have
also been flagged).
>> In EnergyPlus, as well as other US building
energy simulation
>> programs, the solar radiation is assumed for the
preceeding time
>> step, rather than around the time step, as
assumed in most non-US
>> building simulation programs. Therefore, you
should make sure that
>> the time stamp for your measured solar is that at
the end of the
>> time step, rather than the beginning. In the
files that I've worked
>> on, this just meant I had to shift up the solar
radiation by one
>> time step.
>> If that doesn't solve your problem, then get back
in touch with me.
>> Joe
>> Joe Huang
>> White Box Technologies, Inc.
>> 346 Rheem Blvd., Suite 108D
>> Moraga CA 94556
>> yjhuang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> http://weather.whiteboxtechnologies.com [1] for
>> weather data
>> (o) (925)388-0265 [2]
>> (c) (510)928-2683 [3]
>> "building energy simulations at your fingertips"
>> On 4/8/2014 1:33 PM, Sankey, Maxim L wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm using the Weather Converter program to create
an custom epw
>> file. I've input global horizontal radiation data
and allow the
>> converter to create direct normal solar radiation
data. The
>> converter works well for the first month, but the
direct normal
>> radiation values spike several times for the rest
of the data. I
>> went through and checked that the global
horizontal radiation data
>> has no spikes. I'm using 15 minute intervals.
Below is a readout of
>> the audit file:
>> There were 26 warnings, all interestingly at hour
>> Warning ** DirectNormalRadiation 1910.5 > max
theoretical= 6.3
>> Wh/m² on date= 3/27 at hour=19
>> Warning ** Direct Normal Radiation= 1910.5 Wh/m²
on date= 3/27 at
>> hour=19
>> Warning ** DirectNormalRadiation 593.5 > max
theoretical= 347.6
>> Wh/m² on date= 3/30 at hour=19
>> Warning ** DirectNormalRadiation 1736.2 > max
theoretical= 186.5
>> Wh/m² on date= 3/30 at hour=19
>> Warning ** Direct Normal Radiation= 1736.2 Wh/m²
on date= 3/30 at
>> hour=19
>> Warning ** DirectNormalRadiation 1913.5 > max
theoretical= 191.0
>> Wh/m² on date= 3/31 at hour=19
>> Warning ** Direct Normal Radiation= 1913.5 Wh/m²
on date= 3/31 at
>> hour=19
>> Warning ** DirectNormalRadiation 1602.2 > max
theoretical= 195.7
>> Wh/m² on date= 4/ 1 at hour=19
>> Warning ** Direct Normal Radiation= 1602.2 Wh/m²
on date= 4/ 1 at
>> hour=19
>> Warning ** DirectNormalRadiation 1100.3 > max
theoretical= 200.4
>> Wh/m² on date= 4/ 2 at hour=19
>> Warning ** Direct Normal Radiation= 1100.3 Wh/m²
on date= 4/ 2 at
>> hour=19
>> Warning ** DirectNormalRadiation 1080.5 > max
theoretical= 205.2
>> Wh/m² on date= 4/ 3 at hour=19
>> Warning ** DirectNormalRadiation > max
theoretical 26 times
>> Any insight would be helpful.
>> Thanks,
>> Max
> Primary EnergyPlus support is found at:
> http://energyplus.helpserve.com [4] or send a message
> energyplus-support@xxxxxxxx
> The primary EnergyPlus web site is found at:
> http://www.energyplus.gov [5]
> The group web site is:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EnergyPlus_Support/ [6]
> Attachments are currently allowed but be mindful that
not everyone
> has a high speed connection. Limit attachments to
small files.
> EnergyPlus Documentation is searchable. Open
EPlusMainMenu.pdf under
> the Documentation link and press the "search" button.
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