I think that you might not be setting the design heating and cooling supply air temperatures correctly in the Sizing:System object. If you have an air handler providing unconditional ventilation air to zones, set the design heating temperature equal to the outdoor temperature of your heating design day at the system level. Same with cooling. Then your ZoneHVAC equipment should size correctly.
ÂThanks. I misspoke, actually s1 provide 13 air temperature all time. So in summer it provide some cooling, and winter it preheat air to 13 C. In this case, will s2 be oversized for summer and undersized for winter?
On 7/3/2014 12:16 PM, ecoeficiente@xxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support] wrote:
ÂIn your case, s2 will only be sized for zone loads without accounting for s1 ventilation load. But, as you say, your s1 system provides neutral air temperature, that is, no load. In that case you do not have the problem I mentioned.
Posted by: Karen Walkerman <kwalkerman@xxxxxxxxx>
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