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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Re: Urgent: VR F System EER and IEER in E+ Output Reporting for LEED, how to get them?
If you look at the VRF EIRFPLR curve (Figure 10, pg 32 here
http://www.fsec.ucf.edu/en/publications/pdf/fsec-cr-1910-12.pdf) you can
see that you could calculate the IEER. The problem is that the
calculated IEER from this curve would most likely be much lower than
what is reported by the manufacturer. This is a result of how VRF
systems are tested according to ANSI/AHRI Standard 1230. I believe the
same IEER equation is used as 210/240, I'd have to check.
If you look at this document,
http://www.daikinac.com/content/assets/DOC/AHRI-1230.pdf, on pg 2 you
will see very high IEER's compared to the EER. The only way this can
happen is if the part-load EER's at 25%, 50%, and 75% are very, very
high. Looking back at the curve in figure 10 from above, it's hard to
understand how the IEER is reported by manufacturers as being so high.
On 2014-09-10 08:46, hisham.rashrash@xxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support]
> Dear Jean, thank you very much.
> I thought of modeling the actual sizes and requesting IEER from
> manufacturer, but I found actual sizes are less than autosized
> capacities by around 20%; so there will be unmet hours if I do so,
> besides that it seems impossible to model any IEER with e+, because we
> can't see the result of any curve we might use, this is.. if we could
> find out how to define that curve in the first place =(
> I must submit tomorrow =((
> Please, advise.
> Hisham
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