Jean, it is really could work outJ I’ll keep informing. Thank you for your time. OutdoorAir:Mixer, Mixer, !- Name Mixed air node, !- Mixed Air Node Name Outdoor air node, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name Relief air node, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name Return air node; !- Return Air Stream Node Name Duct, Magic Duct, !- Name Relief air node, !- Inlet Node Name Outdoor air node; !- Outlet Node Name 
ARTEM ZHUKOV | HVAC/Mechanical Engineer | HVAC TPM | Energy Engineer | Building Physics Specialist | Sustainability Engineer | M: +420 774 081 898 | View LinkedIn profile | Web Cal From: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Tuesday, January 6, 2015 14:02 To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Dehum.AHU with integrated heatpump for swiming pool The word "bypass" joggs my memory. There are objects "Duct" which I think can be specified as being a bypass similar to the pipe element used in a hydrolic plant bypass branch. Would that help? 2015-01-06 9:26 GMT+01:00 'Artem Zhukov' az141208@xxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support] <EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>: Dear all, Please help to resolve next issue (what last unsolved within this task): How to make that relief air in air mixer at 100% goes to fresh air inlet? In this case the mixer damper is still could operate, directing return air either through PHEX or right into supply air stream bypassing the PHEX Hello, Jean, This heat pump in “Occupied” mode works exactly based on condenser setpoint (SetpointManager:SingleZone:Reheat should be ok), and in “Unoccupied” mode HP works always at 100%, so I could use scheduled setpoint manager� Thinking about it, that's prettymuch what you want. I would test it. Just mind the controls of this object are known to be tricky and from memory are assosiated to a thermostat setpoint, so you may find it impossible to implement. Mit freundlichen Grüßen- Sent from my iPhone (excuse the brevity) What’s wrong with my approach to use Coil:WaterHeating:AirToWaterHeatPump? The heatpump coil to coil in the AHU problem has come up before. I think Brent mentioned a custom coil object as a solution, that is there are some seldomly used, little understood, but very powerful objects that can be used to solve that problem. I would check the past posts and the examples database for how to create these properly. As for the second mixing damper...? I'm stumped. No idea. Mit freundlichen Grüßen- Sent from my iPhone (excuse the brevity) Happy New Year! I am modeling dehumidification AHU for swimming pool (most common for at least European market) with next work algorithm: <see the file attached>. This file contains the control logic in details and related suggested solution/problems linked with EnergyPlus modeling. For quick enroll into the topic I’ve created 3 min video, which describe the problem and the basics of the AHU controls ( Please share your ideas and proposals related to the problem. Thanks to everyone! ARTEM ZHUKOV | HVAC/Mechanical Engineer | HVAC TPM | Energy Engineer | Building Physics Specialist | Sustainability Engineer | M: +420 774 081 898 | View LinkedIn profile | Web Cal
Posted by: "Artem Zhukov" <az141208@xxxxxxxxx>
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