This kind of simulation needs a Particular simulation. Eplus will not give you an answer you need a multyphysics code like Comsol but like Jean says you must to assume the boundary conditions.
Â1) You cannot not do a CFD simulation for this kind of space. Even the other room air model will need to be setup using reliable assumptions also for different conditions.2) you will need to use one of the other room air model objects. Read the documentation to deturmine your choice.3) you could try the new indoor pool objectMit freundlichen GrüÃ?en- Sent from my iPhone (excuse the brevity)i. A.Jean Maraisb.i.g. bechtoldTel.  +49 30 6706662-23
On 15.04.2015, at 21:05, "harshul263@xxxxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support]" <EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:ÂHello everyone,
I am working on this experimental work where I am doing energy model for this greenhouse. Please find attachment for the greenhouse section. The height of this greenhouse is 30Feet with two different Temperature/RH (humidity) conditions for different plantations at top & bottom region. Top 15 feet has 75F/80%RH while bottom part has 65F/90%RH. There is no separation between these two "virtual zones". Also, there is a water body too at the bottom (aquaponics) that will add humidity in the space too.
Does someone have experience with such kind of modeling where we need to give different temp/RH in different part of space. I know E+ can do temperature gradient (which I don't know how to use) but what about stratification in the space? How can it be controlled? How waterbody can be modeled in the space?
Thanks a lot in advance
Harshul Singhal, LEED AP BD+C
Posted by: Oscar Hernandez <eng.ohw@xxxxxxxxx>
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