Another fellow expert advise me to do experiments in simpler model first (I created 5 conditioned zones) to find the solution, then use the same procedure in my project model (109 conditioned zones). Would you mind checking my simple models? I attached them here in case you are interested in examining further my problem.
Hi Julien,
I am still waiting for technical specs from our mechanical team, it seems that it will took a lot of time. Therefore, for now I couldnt use other inputs than autosized things.
In my latter post, I got explanation from Jean that the unmet hours problem arises from uncorrected HVAC sizing performed by eplus as you told me also before.
Here I would like to ask you this, since increasing tolerances or throttling range doesn't produce realistic results, how about I modify the sizing:parameters to compensate the undersizing phenomenon? Because when I increased the cooling sizing factor it seems everything is lighted up. Yes, as the result, total energy consumption is increased, but at logical rate, I think. Moreover, unmet hours problem is reduced significantly due to the increased HVAC capacity from factoring the autosizes. Then, if I use the identical number in sizing:parameters on LEED's baseline case, wouldn't the results be logical enough in context of comparing between proposed and standardized scenarios mandated by LEED?
Thank you for your attention.