It's not the surface temperature of the inside of the slab. It is the monthly zone average air temperature. For example, if your building has heating only, you can run a first itteration simulation with a normal floor model (insulated) and see what your monthly average zone air temperatures are. In winter they will be at heating setpoint and in summer somewhat warmer. You then use those with the ground coupled model and again note your average monthly zone air temperatures of the zones in contact with ground. You can then update your inputs for a final or more itterations, as you see fit. This has always been an itterative process. with the pre e+v8.3 slab and basement preprocess programs, my limited experience pointed to 3 itterations being "good enough". Please think of the effect of the ground water level and its effect on monthly ground temperatures. In Berlin, we almost always build "in a swamp", so we have a pretty constant and cold ground temperature. Mit freundlichen Grü�en- Sent from my iPhone (excuse the brevity) i. A. Jean Marais b.i.g. bechtold Tel. +49 30 6706662-23 On 22.04.2015, at 04:57, "bvonmoss@xxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support]" <EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
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