On 22.04.2015, at 04:57, "bvonmoss@... [EnergyPlus_Support]" <EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This statement in the doc was ambiguous to me:
"Field: TIN1 ? TTIN12 <month> Indoor Average temperature set point
The next twelve fields specify the average indoor building set point temperatures for each month of the year. These fields are useful for simulating a building that is not temperature controlled for some of the year. In such a case, the average indoor set point temperatures can be obtained by first running the model in EnergyPlus with an insulated floor boundary condition, and then using the resulting monthly average zone temperatures in these fields."
"obtained by first running the model": Is this the slab model? or building model?
"average zone temperatures": Are these the TAverage (slab average temperature)? Or building zone temperatures.
My understanding is that it's the slab. You can't assign zone temperatures to ground zone temperatures except as the monthly indoor air temperatures.