Dear Energyplus forum users,
I need to model the energy impact of a triple glazing system with integrated blinds in the first gap :
Glas / gap / Blind / gap / Glas / gap / Glas.
However, I could understand from the error message that "--For triple glazing the between-glass shade/blind must be between the two inner glass layers". Which is not my case, and I cannot make the assumption that the blind is in the inner gap.
To counter this problem, I tried to reduce the last two glass layers to an equivalent layer, so that my system is reduced to a double glazing unit only (Glas / gap / Blind / gap / EquivalentLayer). For this, I followed LBL's method ( : but it is not efficient since it assumes that there are no low-e coatings, which is neither my case.
So, I would like to ask, if you had any suggestions to counter this problem ?
This would really help.
Best regards,
Adele Robin